
样样俱全是什么意思 样样俱全在线翻译 样样俱全什么意思 样样俱全的意思 样样俱全的翻译 样样俱全的解释 样样俱全的发音


样样俱全 基本解释


词典to have all kinds of things

样样俱全 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 已经庄严宣布:宣判她的法官是贪赃、舞弊、欺诈、恶毒——四大虚妄之罪,样样俱全
    It is solemnly declared that her judges were full of corruption, cozenage, fraud, and malice. Four falsehoods

2. 样样俱全的近义词

2. 已经庄严宣布:宣判她的法官是贪赃、舞弊、欺诈、恶毒——四大虚妄之罪,样样俱全
    It is solemnly declared that her judges were full of corruption, cozenage, fraud, and malice. Four falsehood s

3. 样样俱全的解释

3. 已经庄严宣布:审判她的法官是贪赃,舞弊,欺诈,恶毒――四大虚妄之罪,样样俱全
    It is solemnly declared that her judges are full of corruption, cozenage, fraud, and malice. Four falsehoods.

4. 已经庄严宣布:审判她的法官是贪赃,舞弊,欺诈,恶毒――四大虚妄之罪,样样俱全
    It is solemnly declared that her judges are full of corruption, cozenage, fraud, and malice. Four falsehood s

5. 我跑到脚印跟前,看看有没有别的脚印,看看它会不会是我个人的幻觉,可是,完全不是那么回事,因为一点也不错,不折不扣是一个人的脚印,脚趾头,脚后跟,样样俱全。至于它是怎么来的,那我就不得而知,无从猜测了。
    I went to it again to see if there were any more, and to observe if it might not be my fancy; but there was no room for that, for there was exactly the very print of a foot, toes, heel, and every part of a foot; how it came thither, I knew not, nor could in the least imagine.

6. 出售信息:世界上最小的国家,国旗、邮票、货币、护照样样俱全
    For sale: the world's smallest country with its own flag, stamps, currency and passports.

7. 出售信息:世界上最小的国家,国旗、邮票、货币、护照样样俱全
    For sale: the worlds smallest country with its own flag, stamps, currency and passports.

8. 从这个精神出发我们为婚礼轻松的准备了各种用品,从小到大样样俱全
    In that spirit, we`ve gathered some easy wedding tweaks ranging from mini to medium to major.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. 背上了那个背囊,如今他就样样俱全了。
    He was complete now with that knapsack on.

10. 那种古怪是容易理解的,而且,老实说吧,要不是上帝保佑,杰拉尔德-奥哈拉很可能样样俱全呢。
    That kind of queerness is easy to understand, for sure, and but for the grace of God Gerald O'Hara would be having all those faults!

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

11. 庙会期间,举行名优产品大联展,吃穿用玩样样俱全,欢迎惠顾。
      During the temple fair, we are holding a large joint exhiBition of famous and fine products in all varieties for eating, dressing, using and playing. We welcome your patronage.

12. 已经庄严宣布:宣判她的法官是贪赃、舞弊、欺诈、恶毒&四大虚妄之罪,样样俱全
      It is solemnly declared that her judges were full of corruption, cozenage, fraud, and malice.

13. 提高全自动圆材校直切断机送料精度的方法有平面图,有立面图,有断面图,样样俱全
      A Mothed to Improve the Feed Precision of the Automatic Roundwood Aligning Cutting Machine; Plans, elevations, sections, every kind of thing.

14. 完全不是那么回事,因为一点也不错,不折不扣是一个人的脚印,脚趾头,脚后跟,样样俱全。这位突然止住海蒂脚步的姑娘,上身穿着一件印花布的罩衫。
      There was no room for that, for there was exactly the very print of a foot, toes, heel and every part of a foot. The girl who had so suddenly arrested the step of Hetty was dressed in a calico mantle.

15. 若你样样俱全,别人吃什麼呢?
      If you have everything, what`s left for the others

16. 若你样样俱全,別人吃什么呢?
      If you have everything, what`s left for the others?

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. 你不需拥有全部的东西,若你样样俱全,别人吃什么呢?
      You don't have to have everything. If you have everything, what's left for the others?

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