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缓兵之计 基本解释

缓兵之计[huǎn bīng zhī jì]

词典a plot to gain time in order to complete defense缓兵之计。

词典measures to stave off an attack缓兵之计。

词典stalling tactics缓兵之计;[体]拖延战术。

词典stratagem to gain a respite缓兵之计。

缓兵之计 汉英大词典

缓兵之计[huǎn bīng zhī jì]

a plot to gain time in order to complete defense; measures to stave off an attack; stalling tactics; stratagem to gain a respite; the plan of delaying the advance of the enemy; delay under a pretext; trick to gain time

缓兵之计 双语例句

1. 一些专家说虽然破产是痛苦的,但是它比政府的救市更可取,救市只是一个成本很高的缓兵之计,通用汽车要成为一个更强壮的,更精简公司,所需的措施应是采取铲草除根式。
    Some experts note that while bankruptcy would be painful, it may be preferable to a government bailout that may only delay, at considerable cost, the wrenching but necessary steps G. M. needs to take to become a stronger, leaner company.

2. 缓兵之计

2. 他的托辞只是缓兵之计
    It is a temporary method of his pretext.

3. 他的托辞只是缓兵之计
    His excuse is just a stalling tactics.

4. 他的托辞只是缓兵之计
    His subterfuge is just a stalling tactics.

5. 他的托辞只是缓兵之计
    His words are just stalling tactics.

6. 缓兵之计的解释

6. 他的托辞只是缓兵之计
    His subterfuge was just a stalling tactics.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 以上两种策略都是缓兵之计,以便为你迅速攀三级科技和造六脚赢得时间。
    Both of these strategies are stalling tactics to buy you time while you quickly tech up to tier 3 and a Hexapod.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. 布拉特祭出缓兵之计——又臭又长的大篇演讲,这使得周五没法进行投票,周六上午,布拉特来到会场,把一叠全新的文件甩在桌上,只是,所有关于主席的调查资料都不翼而飞。
    Blatter filibustered through the Friday and on Saturday morning slapped on the table a radically new document.

9. 他将他们的外交政策称为缓兵之计
    He described their foreign policy as on hold.

10. 缓兵之计

10. 设置贸易壁垒不过是缓兵之计,根本不能真正解决问题。
    Trade barriers itself is only delaying tactic rather than a real solution.

11. 这不过是缓兵之计而已。
      These are nothing but stalling tactics.

12. 缓兵之计的反义词

12. 一些欧盟官员将新要求看作克劳斯的又一个缓兵之计,他们表示,这位捷克总统让两年时间白白过去,并没有明确提出苏台德问题。
      Some EU officials dismissed the new request as another delaying tactic, noting that the Czech president had let two years pass without explicitly raising the Sudeten issue.

13. 他的托辞只是缓兵之计
      His excuse was just a stall.

14. 该发言人答道:这不过是缓兵之计而已。
      The spokesman replied: these are nothing but stalling tactics.

15. 这是债务人面临现金流问题时经常会使用的一种缓兵之计,为的是延期付款。
      This is a typical stall tactic used to delay making payment when a debtor is experiencing a cash flow problem.

16. 许多专家认为聘请外籍教师的办法只是一个缓兵之计
      Most observers agree that temporary foreign teachers are not a permanent solution.

17. 不过,鉴于哈梅内伊已向内贾德的所谓胜选表示祝贺,反对派支持者对此项调查并不抱希望,认为这只是一种缓兵之计,意在缓解他们的愤怒情绪。
      However, given that Mr Khamenei had already congratulated the president on his supposed victory opposition, supporters dismissed the call as a sop to soften their anger.

18. danci.911chaxun.com

18. 他的托辞只是缓兵之计
      His excuse is just a delaying tactic.

19. 缓兵之计的近义词

19. 他的托辞只是缓兵之计
      His excuse is only a delaying tactic.

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