
马头墙是什么意思 马头墙在线翻译 马头墙什么意思 马头墙的意思 马头墙的翻译 马头墙的解释 马头墙的发音 马头墙的同义词


马头墙 基本解释

马头墙[mǎ tóu qiánɡ]


马头墙 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. corbiestep:题字:inscriptions | 马头墙:corbiestep | 屋顶形式:types of roofs

马头墙 双语例句

1. 马头墙的翻译

1. 根据景观设计理论,以黄塔高速公路沿线的自然景观和人文景观(如徽派建筑、徽砚、徽雕、黄山等徽州文化)作为设计背景,深入的研究了隧道洞口景观设计的思想、原则和洞门设计形式;再结合洞口生态与文化意境设计思想,进一步把黄塔高速公路隧道洞口景观设计分为生态恢复型、环境融合型、文化特色型、景观特色型、技术保障型和意象概念型六种类型;同时,详细分析了单个洞口设计现状、主题以及表现形式,以徽州马头墙、黄山景观、牌坊等设计素材为主,深入挖掘和研究各类型洞口景观的文化内涵,突出了黄塔高速公路隧道洞口景观的徽州文化特色。
    According to landscape design theory, with the natural landscape and cultural landscape (such as Hui Pai construction、Hui Yan、the emblem of carving、such as Huang Shan) Huang Ta highway along area is as a design background, and deeply studies the ideas、principles and portal design forms of the tunnel entrance landscape design; by combing with the ecological and cultural conception design ideas, Huang Ta highway tunnel entrance landscape design makes into the ecological restoration、the environmental integration、the cultural characteristic、the landscape feature、the image conception and the technical support; at the same time, the paper detailedly analyses the status、theme and manifestation of a single hole design; by way of fodder of mainly designing, such as Ma Tou wall、Huang Shan landscape、torii, the paper deeply studies and digs for cultural connotation of various types of tunnel entrance landscape, and gives prominence to the Huizhou culture feature of Huang Ta highway tunnel entrance landscape.

2. 为目睹这不朽的古建筑群落的风采,我们在当地旅游部门工作人员陪同下来到这城东庐宅,踩着鹅卵石铺设的曲折小路,穿行在由马头墙、封火山墙分割的建筑群落中,脚步清脆,凉风习习,仿佛误入数百年前的时空。
    To witness this enduring elegance of the architecture community.

3. 众多的古建筑中,有一座建于嘉庆年间名为五福临门的古民居,它那左右对称、高耸入云的马头墙,俗称五岳朝天,墙面嵌着雕花石窗,墙尖塑着冲天而起的跃鱼和飞龙,寓含鲤鱼跳龙门之意;门柱上那两只活动的倒挂狮子,则表示事事如意;门墙上一对瓷盆中各饰有五只飞舞的蝙蝠,象征着五福临门。
    Many of the old buildings, one built in the Jailing, known as the Cuban Five in front of the residential areas, it then symmetrical, Ma Tao amongst the wall, commonly known as Wu-yew overturned, just like carvings stone wall is embedded window wall with a pointed plastic jump another from the fish and dragon, Liyudiaolongmen's ruling has sunk; gatepost on the activities of those two big lion, it will be all the best; A door wall Capon each decorated with five fluttering bat, a symbol of the Five quick succession.

4. 你就是一道风景石板路,马头墙,青灰瓦,朱漆梁千年古渡口,一幢小山楼日游三山美景,夜宿西津古渡品古城历史变迁,一日越千年
    In the surrounding open many historical monuments, cultural attractions around in itself can be traced back a thousand years of resistance, reading a book.

5. 白的高壁,青的马头墙,尽管被岁月模糊了,却依然素得干净。
    White high rampart, blue horse head walls are still clean and simple after time and tide.

6. 檐角飞扬的马头墙、精致秀美的雕花门窗,将湘西传统建筑的艺术风格发挥到极致。
    Ma Yan Jiao dusty walls, delicate beautiful carved doors and windows, traditional architecture, the art of western Hunan style to the limits.

7. 厅堂里还有些暗,天井尽可能地将更多的光明送到老屋里来,但也顺便送进了更多的寒意,这股寒意让屋顶上的灰瓦和灰白的马头墙都泛起了丝丝凉气。
    The main room is still darkish. The courtyard sends as much light as possible into the old house, along with more chill, which seems to pervade the gray tiles on the roof and the grayish white crow-stepped gables.

8. 徽州的建筑无论是明澈透亮的天井;还是高峻腾飞、跌落有致的马头墙;还是清新明朗的天井;还是形象凸现,生机盎然的三雕,都体现了徽派建筑的共同的特色。
    Huizhou architecture is plain to the courtyard translucent; Still high and steep takeoff to a drop in Ma Tau wall; or fresh uncertainty to the courtyard; or image highlights, full of vigor of the three birds, Anhui has been embodied in the construction of common characteristics.

9. 据说过去徽州的男人常年在外,家里只有女眷,修筑高高的马头墙能够防盗防火,也保护着墙里人家的私密空间。
    In the past, men in Huizhou were perennially out on business, leaving their wives alone at home. Thus high walls were built to prevent theft and fire and to protect privacy.

10. 马头墙在线翻译

10. 白色山墙宽厚高大,灰色马头墙造型别致。
    The white Gables are very tall, with gray wharf wall.

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