
accelerator是什么意思 accelerator在线翻译 accelerator什么意思 accelerator的意思 accelerator的翻译 accelerator的解释 accelerator的发音

accelerator [əkˈseləreɪtə(r)]  [ækˈsɛləˌretɚ] 


accelerator 基本解释

名词加速器; 催速剂

accelerator 网络解释

1. 加速:在今年5月发表时脉高达4.7GHz的Power 6晶片,一直为竞争者批评走回头路的IBM终於在日(26)昨提出抗辩,表示提高时脉一向为拉抬效能最有效的方式,而更重要的是,面临越来越多频繁的应用在商业运算中出现,该公司也打算增加晶片里面的加速(accelerator)的数量和内容,以确

2. 快捷键:我们加上键盘快捷键(accelerator)和引入滑鼠事件到 CannonField. 我们放置了一个环绕 CannonField 的外框,并加上一个障碍(墙),使游戏更具挑战性.

3. 油门:又在自动波(automatic)车上,同踏油门和刹掣叫作kick down,正如小双所讲,现在不少自动波车也会自动使降低波,帮助减速. 但是还是漏了解释Double Clutch,Double是指油门(accelerator)和刹掣(brake)同踏,连同Clutch(离合器)也要一齐踏,所以只能在手波(manual)车上使用.

accelerator 词典解释

1. (汽车等的)加速装置,油门
    The accelerator in a car or other vehicle is the pedal which you press with your foot in order to make the vehicle go faster.

    e.g. He eased his foot off the accelerator.

accelerator 单语例句


1. A preliminary investigation found that the driver had hit the accelerator by accident.

2. Having said that, the Olympic Games no doubt will be an accelerator for the nation's development.

3. Zhang said the Olympic Games have also become the accelerator for product innovation by his bank.

4. The sticky accelerator pedals also led to US sales and production halts.

5. " We have no intention of letting up on the accelerator, " Wale said.

6. Croft said authorities are investigating whether the recalls and repairs for a short accelerator pad and a sticky floor mat were also completed.

7. Your hands are clammy as you grip the steering wheel, your right leg tenses as it presses slightly down on the accelerator.

8. GM's decision to stop sales of the vans comes two months after Toyota Motor Corp halted sales of eight models because of faulty accelerator pedals.

9. Toyota said it will fix or replace the accelerator pedals for the recalled vehicles to avoid the risk of floor mat entrapment.

10. Since no skid marks were found at the scene, police said Li may have mistakenly stepped on the accelerator instead of the brake.

accelerator 英英释义


1. a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine

    Synonym: throttlethrottle valve

2. a scientific instrument that increases the kinetic energy of charged particles

    Synonym: particle acceleratoratom smasher

3. a pedal that controls the throttle valve

    e.g. he stepped on the gas

    Synonym: accelerator pedalgas pedalgasthrottlegun

4. (chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected

    Synonym: catalyst

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