
catalyst是什么意思 catalyst在线翻译 catalyst什么意思 catalyst的意思 catalyst的翻译 catalyst的解释 catalyst的发音 catalyst的同义词

catalyst [ˈkætəlɪst]  [ˈkætlɪst] 


catalyst 基本解释

名词<化>触媒,催化剂; 〈比喻〉触发因素; 促进因素; 〈口〉有感染力的人

catalyst 网络解释

1. catalyst

1. 催化者:二、依靠催化者(Catalyst)建立平台,而不是由CEO领导. 维基百科创办人威尔斯(Jimmy Wales)在建立平台后,只专注在维持维基百科的健全发展这件事上,其他管理细节,一盖不碰,让维基社群完全自主发展. 三、靠意识型态(ideology)凝聚社群.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 催化:面对英中日趋良好的贸易前景,作为位于伦敦的英天通商,无论对英国还是中国'彩虹7'光触媒(photocatalyst)是光+催化(catalyst)的合成语.作为半导体物质,这是以光作为能源进行催化反应,从而氧化分解各种有害气体和细菌.功能强大;

catalyst 词典解释

1. 催化剂;诱因;诱导者
    You can describe a person or thing that causes a change or event to happen as a catalyst .

    e.g. I very much hope that this case will prove to be a catalyst for change...
    e.g. He said he saw the bank's role as a catalyst to encourage foreign direct investment.

2. (化学)催化剂
    In chemistry, a catalyst is a substance that causes a chemical reaction to take place more quickly.


catalyst 单语例句

1. The reforms will act as a catalyst to remove bureaucratic impediments, improve efficiency and inspire society to act on its own.

2. Scientists have speeded up that process in the laboratory by grinding rocks and adding a catalyst like sodium citrate to dissolve them.

3. He said recent moves by the Chinese government to simplify foreign exchange approval procedures could prove a catalyst for more mergers and acquisitions.

4. Michael's mother died of cancer ten years ago - and the star cites her passing as a catalyst to his problems.

5. There didn't appear to be any one catalyst for the surge that saw the Dow nearly double its gain in the last hour of trading.

6. Local government officials hope the airport will be the catalyst needed to transform the metropolis into a new aviation hub in Asia.

7. Another catalyst was the completion of JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai opening in 2003, as it was very high quality in many aspects and very visible.

8. China's holidays are an essential catalyst for the development of the service sector and service brand building and necessity is the mother of invention.

9. He said he hoped his coming out would be a catalyst for intelligent discourse and took a measured approach to NBA players'reactions.

10. The fight against terrorism reflects that a convergence of interests between two nations can serve as a catalyst for a strong rapport.

catalyst 英英释义


1. something that causes an important event to happen

    e.g. the invasion acted as a catalyst to unite the country

2. (chemistry) a substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected

    Synonym: accelerator

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