
authentic是什么意思 authentic在线翻译 authentic什么意思 authentic的意思 authentic的翻译 authentic的解释 authentic的发音 authentic的同义词

authentic [ɔ:ˈθentɪk]  [ɔˈθɛntɪk] 

authentic 基本解释

形容词真的,真正的; 可信的,可靠的; 有根据的; [法]认证了的

authentic 同义词

authentic 反义词


authentic 相关例句


1. They found this authentic manuscript of the book from an ancient tomb.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. The report is authentic.

authentic 网络解释

1. 真正的:基于问题式学习是近年来受到广泛重视的一种教学模式,它强调把学习设置到复杂的、有意义的问题情境中,通过让学习者合作解决真正的(authentic)问题,来学习隐含于问题背后的科学知识,形成解决问题的技能,并形成自主学习的能力.

2. authentic

2. 可信的:由于测验的目的,在L2听力测验任务中,通过使用视频材料,包含(inclusion)口语交流的非语言构成,可能是有利的,因为不仅听力任务将更容易模仿可信的(authentic)口语的特征,而且呈现口语输入时,包含视觉通道,可能导致评估中更多的构建相关的不一致,

authentic 词典解释

1. 真的;真正的;真实的;真诚的
    An authentic person, object, or emotion is genuine.

    e.g. ...authentic Italian food...
    e.g. She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners...

There are factors, however, that have cast doubt on the statue's authenticity.
Consumers are increasingly interested in the authentically exotic tastes...
The enamel gives new brass an authentically tarnished finish.

2. (仿制品)能够以假乱真的,逼真的
    If you describe something as authentic, you mean that it is such a good imitation that it is almost the same as or as good as the original.

    e.g. ...patterns for making authentic frontier-style clothing.

The team decided to try and replicate the missing curtains as authentically as possible.

3. (信息或记述)准确的,可靠的,可信的
    An authentic piece of information or account of something is reliable and accurate.

    e.g. I had obtained the authentic details about the birth of the organization.

The book authentically and intimately describes the small details of her daily life.
The film's authenticity of detail has impressed critics.

authentic 单语例句

1. Behind each authentic ethnic costume is an individual who made it by hand, using techniques passed down by older generations.

2. The Finnish game developer is attempting to further cash in on the Chinese market by selling authentic Angry Birds products rather than simply launching games.

3. There are hundreds of restaurants citywide that cater to all culinary styles, from European specialties to Middle Eastern delicacies and authentic African fare.

4. It is such a nice centennial building with a rare, authentic feel.

5. Soho China Chairman Pan Shiyi on Friday called the allegations " nonsense ", adding that the company cannot tell the difference between authentic and fake ID cards.

6. " Our local partners help educate us on special flavors needed for making authentic Chinese food, " Moss said.

7. For those seeking authentic reflections of the city's life and landscapes, the search can be circuitous.

8. Unjustly confined to the elephant's graveyard of Maoming Nan Lu, this authentic Moroccan restaurant has been thriving on recommendations from its satisfied clientele.

9. A dessert of authentic Quebecois sugar pie with rich cream had me sighing in contentment.

10. For Cyrus, being authentic may be the key to her success as she transitions to adulthood.

authentic 英英释义


1. not counterfeit or copied

    e.g. an authentic signature
           a bona fide manuscript
           an unquestionable antique
           photographs taken in a veritable bull ring

    Synonym: bona fideunquestionableveritable

2. conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief

    e.g. an authentic account by an eyewitness
           reliable information

    Synonym: reliable

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