
bell是什么意思 bell在线翻译 bell什么意思 bell的意思 bell的翻译 bell的解释 bell的发音 bell的同义词 bell的反义词 bell的例句 bell的相关词组

bell [bel]  [bɛl] 


bell 基本解释

名词钟,铃; 钟声,铃声; 钟状物; [建]圆屋顶

及物动词敲钟; 系铃于,给…装上铃; 使成铃状; 把…放在钟形罩内

不及物动词使象钟状地张开; 鸣钟

bell 相关例句


1. We belled the sheep.


1. bell的反义词

1. He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell.

bell 情景对话



A:I’d like to help pitch in with? dinner.

B:Really? You’re joking.


A:No. I’d like to do something special for you on your birthday.

B:I’d like that. Alright, put on this apron first.

A:OK…Now how can I help, hon??

B:Hmm, let me see… Boil some water and then whisk two eggs.


A:Easy. I could do that with my eyes closed.(after a while)Done.


B:Not bad. Okay, now take some meat and potatoes from the fridge.

A:How many potatoes do you need?


B:Three. And bring four bell peppers?.


A:Gotcha?… OK. Here they are.


B:Now wash them, then dice the potatoes and bell peppers. Then slice the meat.

A:Where’s the peeler?

B:It’s in the cabinet… Adam, the gas cooker doesn’t work.

A:What? Oh, shit! I cut my finger.


B:Let me take a look at that… I can’t stop the bleeding. We need to go to the hospital.

A:I guess cooking is not as easy as I thought.

bell 网络解释

1. 铃:彩乐(BASIC)台灯古铃(BELL) 台灯星宇(ADVANTZE) 台灯星辰(ACTIV) 台灯星云(CORONA) 台灯柔视(SOFT) 护眼台灯晶视(ECHO) 护眼台灯轻盈(Soft) 护眼台灯舒视(Sooth) 护眼台灯锐视(Anti-glare) 防眩光 (单臂/双臂)护眼台灯

2. bell:business environment learning and leadership; 贝迩项目

bell 词典解释

    A bell is a device that makes a ringing sound and is used to give a signal or to attract people's attention.


    e.g. I had just enough time to finish eating before the bell rang and I was off to my first class...
    e.g. I've been ringing the door bell, there's no answer.

    A bell is a hollow metal object shaped like a cup which has a piece hanging inside it that hits the sides and makes a sound.

    e.g. My brother, Neville, was born on a Sunday, when all the church bells were ringing.

3. 十分清晰;非常清楚
    If something is as clear as a bell, it is very clear indeed.

    e.g. There are 80 of these pictures and they're all as clear as a bell.

4. 给…打电话
    If you give someone a bell, you telephone them.


    e.g. I was going to give you a bell tomorrow.

5. 听起来耳熟(但记不真切)
    If you say that something rings a bell, you mean that it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is.


    e.g. The description of one of the lads is definitely familiar. It rings a bell.

6. 非常健康的;完好无损的
    If something is as sound as a bell it is healthy and not damaged in any way.

    e.g. The horse returned sound as a bell.

bell 单语例句

1. Kristen Bell has revealed she's asked Gossip Girl bosses if she can make a cameo appearance on the show.

2. Whitewater paddler Robin Bell is set to create history by becoming the first Australian to win an Olympic canoeing medal.

3. Bell Helicopter believes that the country's huge market potential and manufacturing opportunities hold great promise, even though actual returns may be a long time coming.

4. A chilling cartoon by Steve Bell in The Guardian says it all.

5. It had no horn but a bell that rang to warn pedestrians to clear the way.

6. The road that leads up to the tourist site of the Drum and Bell towers is known as the capital's console game street.

7. The committee said it would also start contract talks with Bell Helicopter Textron for the purchase of 15 helicopters for the country's police force.

8. Disney has created a live show called As the Bell Rings based on its popular TV series of the same name.

9. But they have little time to enjoy their daydream, for the factory bell rings and they must hurry off to their respective workshops.

10. Bell, a delegate of the Summer Davos and professor at Tsinghua University.


bell 英英释义


1. a hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when struck

2. the flared opening of a tubular device

3. a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer
    used as an orchestral instrument

    Synonym: chimegong

4. a push button at an outer door that gives a ringing or buzzing signal when pushed

    Synonym: doorbellbuzzer

5. the sound of a bell being struck

    e.g. saved by the bell
           she heard the distant toll of church bells

    Synonym: toll

6. the shape of a bell

    Synonym: bell shapecampana

7. (nautical) each of the eight half-hour units of nautical time signaled by strokes of a ship's bell
    eight bells signals 4:00, 8:00, or 12:00 o'clock, either a.m. or p.m.

    Synonym: ship's bell



1. attach a bell to

    e.g. bell cows

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