
bring in是什么意思 bring in在线翻译 bring in什么意思 bring in的意思 bring in的翻译 bring in的解释 bring in的发音 bring in的同义词

bring in [briŋ in]  [brɪŋ ɪn] 

bring in 基本解释


把…拿进来; 带进来; 收获(庄稼等); 赚(钱)

bring in 情景对话


A:Our manufacturing costs have gone up too much .

bring in

B:You might try one of our cheaper components .

A:Let‘s take a look at your price list again

B:Sure . I‘ll bring it in next week .
      好哇 ,我下个礼拜带过来。


A:May I see your passport, please?

B:Yes. Here you are.

A:Are you traveling on business or for pleasure?

bring in的翻译

B:I'm going to visit my older sister in New York.

A:How long will you stay?


B:For several months.

A:Do you have anything to declare? Jewelry or cash?

B:No, I haven't. The only things I brought were my own clothes, my notebook computer and some gifts for mysister.


A:I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'll have to check these, too. Did you bring any fruits, vegetables, fresh meats orplants into this country?

B:Oh, would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my sister.

bring in的意思

A:Sorry, rotten fruit is not allowed.

B:But it is NOT rotten. It naturally has the special flavor.

bring in的近义词

A:Well, perhaps. But perishables are also not allowed.

B:Oh, my poor sister!

Inquiring about products-(询问产品)

A:You seem to be interested in our new J7 cellular telephone. Would you like to know more about it?
      您似乎对我们新型的J7 行动电话很感兴趣。您想知道更多的信息吗?

B:Yes, I would. What does this button here do?

A:That button is for our call screening function. It allows you to identify the caller before you answer the call.

B:What else can you tell me about this phone?

A:This special phone utilizes state-of-the-art technology to bring you several unique functions in addition to the call screening feature.

B:So, what are the unique functions?

A:Oh, it's loaded with them. If you are outside of your service area, this cell phone can still receive messages.

bring in的近义词

B:No kidding?

A:In addition to that, it has a vibration feature that will let you know when you have a call if you don't want the ringing sound to interrupt important meetings. Here is our brochure with all the details.

bring in的近义词

B:What is the price of the J7 model?
      J7 这一型的价格是多少?

A:The list price is US$110 per unit. We're offering a special in-show discount of 10%.

B:Well, I'll have to contact my office and get back to you. Thanks.

bring in 网络解释

1. 引进:为了永远引领潮流,Room 18 年年改装,今年引进 (bring in) 全新的「互动式剧场」设计概念. 每一个包厢都能看到整间店的焦点舞台,呼应互动剧场的效果,营造出现场看人与被看 (to see and be seen) 的乐趣. 空间中置入圆弧蛋型线条,

2. 引入:§ Mm(Un)LockXxx的基本用途是:使一般情况下被视为非页式的代码或数据成为可分页的,并作为非页式代码或数据被引入(bring in). 像串行或并行驱动程序这样的驱动程序是很好的例子:如果这种驱动程序管理的设备没有打开的句柄,

3. 收获(庄稼等生产:bring forward 提出(建议等显示 | bring in 收获(庄稼等生产 | bring into action 使行动起来

4. 引来,引进,吸收:break up 分解,分裂 | bring in 引来,引进,吸收 | bring on 引起,导致,使前进

bring in 词典解释

1. (政府或组织)推行,采用(新的法律或制度)
    When a government or organization brings in a new law or system, they introduce it.

    e.g. The government brought in a controversial law under which it could take any land it wanted.

2. 赚得,挣(钱)
    Someone or something that brings in money makes it or earns it.

    e.g. I have three part-time jobs, which bring in about £14,000 a year.

3. 引入;请来;邀请
    If you bring in someone from outside a team or organization, you invite them to do a job or join in an activity or discussion.

bring in的解释

    e.g. The firm decided to bring in a new management team.

4. 作出,宣布(裁决)
    When a jury or inquest brings in a verdict, the verdict is officially decided.

    e.g. The jury took 23 hours to bring in its verdict...
    e.g. The inquest will bring in a verdict of suicide.

bring in 单语例句

1. Some major Chinese companies are seeing the advantage of buying stakes in hotel and leisure companies in order to bring their expertise back to China.

2. The bus will bring you to the CAAC Hotel in Shijiazhuang City.

3. It called on China to revise its import regulations so as to bring them in line with WTO rules.

4. She opened her second term in January 2007 by calling on legislators to draft a plan to bring universal health coverage to Kansas.

5. In view of all this, war can never bring stability to the Middle East.

6. The official said his court would seriously punish smugglers in an effort to bring the region's active smuggling under control.

7. The same amount of capital invested in SMEs would bring more job opportunities than that in large enterprises.

8. Shareholders had been debating about whether to increase the capital base and bring in foreign strategic investors since early last year.

9. PetroChina said in a statement that its public offering will bring renewed energy to domestic capital markets and also provide an important investment indicator.

10. The ministry said it will bring the reform in transport and some modern services nationwide, and actively study the possibility of extending the change to more sectors.

bring in

bring in 英英释义


1. bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment

    e.g. He brought in a new judge
           The new secretary introduced a nasty rumor

    Synonym: introduce

2. transmit

    e.g. The microphone brought in the sounds from the room next to mine

3. be sold for a certain price

    e.g. The painting brought $10,000
           The old print fetched a high price at the auction

    Synonym: fetchbring

4. submit (a verdict) to a court

5. earn on some commercial or business transaction
    earn as salary or wages

    e.g. How much do you make a month in your new job?
           She earns a lot in her new job
           this merger brought in lots of money
           He clears $5,000 each month

    Synonym: gaintake inclearmakeearnrealizerealisepull in

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