
take in是什么意思 take in在线翻译 take in什么意思 take in的意思 take in的翻译 take in的解释 take in的发音 take in的同义词 take in的反义词

take in [teik in]  [tek ɪn] 

take in 基本解释

take in是什么意思

吸收; 领会; 欺骗; 接待


take in 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. The club took in a new member last week.

2. The dress needs to be taken in a bit.

take in 情景对话


A:It is nice to (come in here/ take a shower/ stretch) after a run.

B:Yeah, I know what you mean.


take in的近义词

A:Oh, I’m starving. I’d like to try some real Chinese cuisine. What would you recommend, waiter?

B:Well, it depends. You see, there are eight famous Chinese cuisines:for instance, the Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine.

A:They are both spicy hot, I’ve heard.

take in的意思

B:That’s right. If you like hot dishes, you can try some.

A:They might be too hot for me.


B:Then there’s the Cantonese cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. Most southerners like them.

A:What about any special Beijing dishes?

B:There’s the Beijing roast duck.

A:Oh, yes. I’ve heard a lot about it. I’d like very much to try it. Where can I find it?

take in的反义词

B:You can find it in most restaurants, but the best place is certainly Quanjude Restaurant.

take in什么意思

A:Is it near here?

B:Not too near but not too far either. A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes, if the traffic is not too bad, I mean.
      不太近也不算远。乘出租车15 分钟能到。我是说,要是堵车不厉害的话。

A:Well, thank you for your information. But what is the name of that restaurant again?

B:Let me write it down on this slip of paper for you. You can show it to the taxi-driver.

A:That’s very kind of you. Thanks a lot.

B:You’re welcome.

take in 网络解释

1. 骗:BRAD GARRETT:从新的投资者那里骗(take in)到钱,然后支付(pay out)给老投资者作为收入. 所以,只要你有新的钱进来,这个骗局就可以运作. 官方人员说当经济低迷(downturn)使得一些投资者要求拿回大约70亿美元的时候,

2. 吸入:Krashen认为,就二语学习的语言输入而言,尽管含有i+1的可理解性语言输入(comprehensible input)至关重要,学习者应该同样注意情感因素对语言输入所起的过滤作用,才能使学习者的内在语言处理机制起作用,从而吸入(take in)已被理解的语言输入,

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 吸收:take down 拿下,取下 | take in 吸收 | take it easy 别紧张;别着急

take in 词典解释

1. 收留,收容(尤指无家可归者或逃难者)
    If you take someone in, you allow them to stay in your house or your country, especially when they do not have anywhere to stay or are in trouble.

    e.g. He persuaded Jo to take him in...
    e.g. The monastery has taken in 26 refugees.
           修道院已经收留了 26 位难民。

2. (警察)带走,抓走
    If the police take someone in, they remove them from their home in order to question them.

    e.g. The police have taken him in for questioning in connection with the murder of a girl.

3. 欺骗;使上当
    If you are taken in by someone or something, you are deceived by them, so that you get a false impression of them.

    e.g. I married in my late teens and was taken in by his charm — which soon vanished...
    e.g. I know I was a naive fool to trust him but he is a real charmer who totally took me in.

4. 理解;领会;领悟
    If you take something in, you pay attention to it and understand it when you hear it or read it.

    e.g. Lesley explains possible treatments but you can tell she's not taking it in...
    e.g. Gazing up into his eyes, she seemed to take in all he said.

5. (一下子)看清,看明白
    If you take something in, you see all of it at the same time or with just one look.

    e.g. The eyes behind the lenses were dark and quick-moving, taking in everything at a glance.

6. 观看;欣赏;参观
    If you take in something such as a film or a museum, you go to see it.

take in

    e.g. I was wondering if you might want to take in a movie with me this evening.

7. (人、动物或植物)摄入,吸收
    If people, animals, or plants take in air, drink, or food, they allow it to enter their body, usually by breathing or swallowing.

    e.g. They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid.

8. 容纳;装下;盛下
    If one thing takes in another, it is big enough to include the other thing within it.


    e.g. Ethiopia's large territorial area takes in a population of more than 40 million people.
           埃塞俄比亚广袤的国土上生活着 4,000 多万人口。

9. 将(衣物)改小
    If you take in a dress, jacket, or other item of clothing, you make it smaller and tighter.

    e.g. She had taken in the grey dress so that it hugged her thin body.

10. (商店、饭店、剧院等商业机构)收入,进账
    If a store, restaurant, theatre, or other business takes in a certain amount of money, they get that amount from people buying goods or services.

    e.g. They plan to take in $1.6 billion.
           他们计划要收入 16 亿美元。

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 take

take in 单语例句

1. Take the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing as an example.

2. China also sometimes requires foreign companies seeking to do business in the country to take on a local firm as a partner.

3. Business organizers will take over the organization of the expo in accordance with market principles, said Liu.

4. Developing the individually owned business sector will take more than just reforming management fees, says an article in Yanzhao Metropolis Daily.

5. State television said President Pervez Musharraf had ordered the provincial government in Karachi to take immediate steps to restore order and act against those responsible.

6. The bidders said in the statement that they intend to maintain China Gas'business and management structure and will not take the company private.

7. While smokers in Hong Kong seek their havens from the smoking ban, a businessman tried to take advantage of a gray area in the law.

8. " Many investors will take today's market correction as an opportunity to buy in, " he said.

9. They were hoping the two women would take the infant back because the potential buyer in Hebei Province complained he was not healthy enough.

10. Someone in America needs to act and step up and take responsibility like Shan Jixiang has in China.

take in 英英释义


1. make (clothes) smaller

    e.g. Please take in this skirt--I've lost weight

2. take into one's family

    e.g. They adopted two children from Nicaragua

    Synonym: adopt

3. take up mentally

    e.g. he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe

    Synonym: absorbassimilateingest

4. fool or hoax

    e.g. The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone
           You can't fool me!

    Synonym: gulldupeslangbefoolcodfoolput onput one overput one across

5. serve oneself to, or consume regularly

    e.g. Have another bowl of chicken soup!
           I don't take sugar in my coffee

    Synonym: consumeingesttakehave

6. take up as if with a sponge

    Synonym: sop upsuck intake up

7. fold up

    e.g. take in the sails

    Synonym: gather in

8. express willingness to have in one's home or environs

    e.g. The community warmly received the refugees

    Synonym: receiveinvite

9. take in, also metaphorically

    e.g. The sponge absorbs water well
           She drew strength from the minister's words

    Synonym: absorbsuckimbibesoak upsop upsuck updrawtake up

10. accept

    e.g. The cloth takes up the liquid

    Synonym: take up

11. see or watch

      e.g. view a show on television
             This program will be seen all over the world
             view an exhibition
             Catch a show on Broadway
             see a movie

      Synonym: watchviewseecatch

12. hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers

      e.g. We overheard the conversation at the next table

      Synonym: catchoverhear

13. call for and obtain payment of

      e.g. we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts
             he collected the rent

      Synonym: collect

14. earn on some commercial or business transaction
      earn as salary or wages

      e.g. How much do you make a month in your new job?
             She earns a lot in her new job
             this merger brought in lots of money
             He clears $5,000 each month

      Synonym: gainclearmakeearnrealizerealisepull inbring in

15. visit for entertainment

      e.g. take in the sights

16. provide with shelter

17. suck or take up or in

      e.g. A black star absorbs all matter

      Synonym: absorb

take in是什么意思,take in在线翻译,take in什么意思,take in的意思,take in的翻译,take in的解释,take in的发音,take in的同义词,take in的反义词,take in的例句,take in的相关词组,take in意思是什么,take in怎么翻译,单词take in是什么意思
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