
fool是什么意思 fool在线翻译 fool什么意思 fool的意思 fool的翻译 fool的解释 fool的发音 fool的同义词 fool的反义词 fool的例句 fool的相关词组

fool [fu:l]  [ful] 


fool 基本解释

名词愚人,傻瓜; 受骗者; 有癖好的人; 受愚弄的人

及物动词愚弄,欺骗; 浪费,虚度; 闹笑话; 游手好闲

不及物动词欺骗; 开玩笑; 戏弄

形容词愚蠢的; 傻的

fool 同义词

fool 反义词



fool 相关词组

1. fool about : 闲荡;


fool 相关例句

1. fool的翻译

1. Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.


1. Stop fooling with her affections.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. He fooled me into giving him money.

3. He's fooling about all the day.


1. fool

1. I'm a fool, I left my coat on the train.

fool 网络解释

1. 愚蠢:此外,新作将保留前作电脑玩家的八个智能等级,从低到高的级别分为:愚蠢(Fool)、菜鸟(Begi er)、迟钝(Sub-Normal)、普通(Normal)、聪明(Bright)、智慧(Intelligent)、天才(Genius)、超凡(Incredible),选择什么等级,就看玩家自己的游戏水品如何了.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. fool:feature oiented object level; 实体对象层次模型

fool 词典解释

1. 傻子;蠢人;白痴
    If you call someone a fool, you are indicating that you think they are not at all sensible and show a lack of good judgment.

    e.g. 'You fool!' she shouted...
    e.g. He'd been a fool to get involved with her!

2. 傻的;愚蠢的
    Fool is used to describe an action or person that is not at all sensible and shows a lack of good judgment.


    e.g. What a damn fool thing to do!...
    e.g. What can that fool guard be thinking of?

3. 愚弄;欺骗
    If someone fools you, they deceive or trick you.


    e.g. Art dealers fool a lot of people...
    e.g. Don't be fooled by his appearance...

4. 瞎弄;瞎折腾;糊弄
    If you say that a person is fooling with something or someone, you mean that the way they are behaving is likely to cause problems.


    e.g. What are you doing fooling with such a staggering sum of money?...
    e.g. He kept telling her that here you did not fool with officials.

5. (旧时国王或王后豢养的)弄臣,小丑
    In the courts of kings and queens in medieval Europe, the fool was the person whose job was to do silly things in order to make people laugh.

6. 奶油果泥;蛋奶果泥
    Fool is a dessert made by mixing soft cooked fruit with whipped cream or with custard.


    e.g. ...gooseberry fool.

7. 让…出丑;戏弄
    If you make a fool of someone, you make them seem silly by telling people about something stupid that they have done, or by tricking them.


    e.g. Your brother is making a fool of you...
    e.g. He'd been made a fool of.

8. 出丑;让人看笑话
    If you make a fool of yourself, you behave in a way that makes other people think that you are silly or lacking in good judgment.


    e.g. He was drinking and making a fool of himself.

9. 那样做真傻
    If you say to someone 'More fool you' when they tell you what they have done or what they plan to do, you are indicating that you think that it is silly and shows a lack of judgment.

    e.g. Most managers couldn't care less about information technology. More fool them.

10. 扮傻逗乐
    If you play the fool or act the fool, you behave in a playful, childish, and foolish way, usually in order to make other people laugh.

    e.g. They used to play the fool together, calling each other silly names and giggling.

11. to suffer fools gladly -> see suffer

12. 吊儿郎当;游荡;鬼混
      If you fool around, you behave in a silly, dangerous, or irresponsible way.

      e.g. They were fooling around on an Army firing range...
      e.g. Have you been fooling around with something you shouldn't?

13. 有私情;乱搞
      If someone fools around with another person, especially when one of them is married, they have a casual sexual relationship.

      e.g. Never fool around with the clients' wives...
      e.g. Her husband was fooling around.

14. 犯傻;扮傻逗乐
      If you fool around, you behave in a playful, childish, and silly way, often in order to make people laugh. In British English, you can also say you fool about .

      e.g. Stop fooling about, man...
      e.g. They fooled around for the camera.

相关词组:fool aboutfool around

fool 单语例句

1. Betis supporters are not represented by the callous fool who threw the bottle.

2. She is capricious and nave, often making a fool of herself.

3. Shop owners who circumvent the ban on plastic bags may fool the consumer, but they can't fool Mother Nature.

4. The angry king punished Bian He for what he construed as an attempt to fool him by having the craftsman's left foot cut off.

5. Any fool can raise taxes and Brown is certainly a fool a crook or both.

6. " Whoever thinks that harming the Hamas leadership can dissipate the movement is a fool, " he said.

7. Four militants rather than one sometimes drive a single car bomb to try to fool police.

8. " It's unknown whether this is to dupe the opposition or just to fool ourselves, " a commentary in the Beijing News said.

9. Its exaggeration exercise was undoubtedly an attempt to fool public opinion, the international community as well as Hong Kong people.

10. French children fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends'backs.

fool 英英释义


1. a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of

    Synonym: chumpgullmarkpatsyfall guysuckersoft touchmug

2. a person who lacks good judgment

    Synonym: sapsapheadmugginstomfool

3. a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the Middle Ages

    Synonym: jestermotley fool



1. indulge in horseplay

    e.g. Enough horsing around--let's get back to work!
           The bored children were fooling about

    Synonym: horse aroundarse aroundfool around

2. fool or hoax

    e.g. The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone
           You can't fool me!

    Synonym: gulldupeslangbefoolcodput ontake input one overput one across

3. spend frivolously and unwisely

    e.g. Fritter away one's inheritance

    Synonym: fritterfrivol awaydissipateshootfritter awayfool away

4. make a fool or dupe of

    Synonym: gullbefool

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