
domino是什么意思 domino在线翻译 domino什么意思 domino的意思 domino的翻译 domino的解释 domino的发音 domino的同义词 domino的反义词 domino的例句

domino [ˈdɒmɪnəʊ]  [ˈdɑ:mənoʊ] 


domino 基本解释

名词多米诺骨牌; 骨牌效应; 化妆斗篷面具

domino 网络解释

1. 多米诺骨牌:多米诺骨牌(domino)游戏规则很简单,玩时轻轻碰倒第一枚骨牌,其余的骨牌就会产生连锁反应,依次倒下. 这个游戏也一样,如果你挑对了第一枚骨牌那么全部骨牌都会被推倒,蕃茄就会被敲扁. 如果你选了其他的骨牌,最后有多少骨牌没有被推倒,

2. 红粉保镖:从<<间谍游戏>>(Spy Game)与<<怒火救援>>(Man on Fire)的高浓度、超饱和色彩,到<<红粉保镖>>(Domino)与<<时空线索>>(Deja Vu)快速剪切、滥用抽格停格过曝效果等,托尼哥作品的影像越来越花哨,遗憾的是,故事也越来越让人看不下去了.

3. domino的翻译

3. 面具:最早的冲浪音乐出现在1956年,代表作品是罗伊.奥比森(Roy Orbison)的<<半蒙面具>>(Domino),它有着波浪般起伏的节奏和吉他音响. 但冲浪音乐流传开来并产生全国影响,

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. domino:(domain management in open system 开放系统中的域管理

domino 词典解释

1. 西洋骨牌;多米诺骨牌
    Dominoes are small rectangular blocks marked with two groups of spots on one side. They are used for playing various games.


2. 西洋骨牌戏;多米诺骨牌戏
    Dominoes is a game in which players put dominoes onto a table in turn.

domino 单语例句

1. The domino effect means that if an immediate friend or colleague splits up, your own chance of divorce increases by 75%.

2. This financial crisis is the culmination of a domino effect, which has been happening over the past several years.

3. " I call it the DDE for'devastating domino effect', " said Maguire.

4. The highest daily slump to hit China's stock markets for ten years on Tuesday triggered a domino effect on global capital markets.

5. Zhang may be rebuilding our faith in role models and their " domino effect " how one person can inspire others and create great change.

6. An example is the slump hitting China's stock market last Tuesday that triggered a domino effect on global capital markets.

7. Brazilian authorities blamed storms that took down power lines and towers, causing a domino effect that rippled across the region.

8. Analysts told the paper that Evergrande might become the first domino that triggers a nationwide decline in property prices.

9. Hong said a domino effect will follow if the government does not take more effective efforts to control the unemployment rate.

10. The US and its Arab allies want Syria to become the first domino to fall, and are trying to keep Iran from intervening in the Syrian crisis.

domino 英英释义


1. a small rectangular block used in playing the game of dominoes
    the face of each block has two equal areas that can bear 0 to 6 dots

2. a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes

    Synonym: half maskeye mask

3. a loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume

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