
estimate是什么意思 estimate在线翻译 estimate什么意思 estimate的意思 estimate的翻译 estimate的解释 estimate的发音 estimate的同义词

estimate [ˈestɪmət]  [ˈɛstəˌmet] 


estimate 基本解释

名词估计,预测; 报价,预算书; 评价,判断

及物动词估计,估算; 评价,评论; 估量,估价

estimate 网络解释

1. estimate的近义词

1. 估计:appear这个词一出场,可解此结,这两个词的亲戚关系,估计(estimate)不会受太多质疑(question). appear者,出现也;出现者,为人看见也. 大学英语四级六级考试(CET)相关文章

2. 估算:通过选择在查看(Views)中的网页图标或者使用查看/网页(View/Page)菜单来转到显示页面的窗口,在状态条中选择28.8估算(estimate). 在它下拉的菜单中也可让你选择一系列的其它的连接速度,如4.4,56.6,ISDN,T和T3.标出显示慢的网页?

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 估计值:对截距项系数和各斜率项系数,给出了自由度(DF),估计值(Estimate),估计的标准误差(Std Error),检验系数为零的t统计量,t统计量的p值,检验共线性的容许度(Tolerance)和方差膨胀因子(Var Inflation).

4. estimate的解释

4. 估价:如果你们打算买下房子后换屋顶, 应在屋顶还没开始漏水之前, 就请屋顶公司来做一个 估价(Estimate), 要求有效期一年, 这样只要不是在雨季及屋顶公司最忙时来做估价, 通常 会得到最具竞争性的价钱(也就是最便宜的价钱), 一当下雨时,

estimate 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /'estɪmeɪt/. The noun is pronounced /'estɪmət/. 动词读作 /'estɪmeɪt/,名词读作 /'estɪmət/。

1. 估算;估价
    If you estimate a quantity or value, you make an approximate judgment or calculation of it.

    e.g. Try to estimate how many steps it will take to get to a close object...
    e.g. I estimate that the total cost for treatment will be $12,500...

There are an estimated 90,000 gangsters in the country.

2. 估算;估价
    An estimate is an approximate calculation of a quantity or value.

    e.g. ...the official estimate of the election result...
    e.g. This figure is five times the original estimate...

3. 评价;评估;判断
    An estimate is a judgment about a person or situation which you make based on the available evidence.


    e.g. I hadn't been far wrong in my estimate of his grandson's capabilities.

4. 估算单;预算书
    An estimate from someone who you employ to do a job for you, such as a builder or a plumber, is a written statement of how much the job is likely to cost.

    e.g. The shop also offers a curtain-making and fitting service. Quotes and estimates can be prepared by computer on the spot.

estimate 单语例句

1. She cited a 2003 estimate by The Business Software Alliance which claimed that the piracy rate in China was as high as 92 percent.

2. Mazda has lowered its sales estimate in China for the current business year by about 85 thousand vehicles.

3. Pollard told Reuters the 5 C estimate for triggering a collapse was a rough guide, based on an computer model.

4. Experts estimate that 20 tons of cadmium leaked into the Longjiang, polluting up to 300 kilometers of the river.

5. An official crowd estimate was unavailable, but tens of thousands of people typically attend what organizers dub California's largest public event.

6. That confirms the consensus forecast by economists, although none of them are willing to estimate the actual growth figures.

7. Experts estimate that for Nigeria to meet its current domestic demand for cassava starch, it may need at least 15 to 17 starch plants.

8. Even with misters and fans to keep cattle cool, experts estimate as much as 2 percent of the state's dairy herd may die.

9. That too is an estimate, because death certificates don't typically list flu as a cause of death.

10. The Dutch Actuarial Society's latest table of prognoses estimate average lifespans will be three years longer in coming decades.

estimate 英英释义


1. a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody

    e.g. many factors are involved in any estimate of human life
           in my estimation the boy is innocent

    Synonym: estimation

2. an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth

    e.g. an estimate of what it would cost
           a rough idea how long it would take

    Synonym: estimationapproximationidea

3. the respect with which a person is held

    e.g. they had a high estimation of his ability

    Synonym: estimation

4. a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)

    Synonym: appraisalestimation

5. a statement indicating the likely cost of some job

    e.g. he got an estimate from the car repair shop


1. judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)

    e.g. I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds

    Synonym: gaugeapproximateguessjudge

2. judge to be probable

    Synonym: calculatereckoncount onfigureforecast

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