
exhaust是什么意思 exhaust在线翻译 exhaust什么意思 exhaust的意思 exhaust的翻译 exhaust的解释 exhaust的发音 exhaust的同义词 exhaust的反义词

exhaust [ɪgˈzɔ:st]  [ɪɡˈzɔst] 


exhaust 基本解释

及物动词排出; 用尽,耗尽; 使精疲力尽; 彻底探讨


名词排出; (排出的)废气; 排气装置


exhaust 同义词


exhaust 反义词


exhaust 网络解释

1. 排气:该作是根据冲方丁的同名小说三部曲<<压缩>>(Compression)、<<燃烧>>(Combustion)、<<排气>>(Exhaust)改编,03年冲方丁就以此小说一举获得第24回日本SF大赏奖.

2. 用尽:所以,在移民递解程序中,如果你没有上诉,那么,政府可以说你没有用尽(exhaust)应有的法律程序而要求驳回你的要求. 美国宪法上的人身保护令主要指的是,在一个被州法律定为有罪的人,向联邦法院提出人身保护令的请求.

3. 废气:当数交通的变化最为明显. 一度挤满了自行车的城市街道,如今挤满了汽车. 但是汽车排放的废气(exhaust)污染空气,噪音较大,浪费能源且容易造成交通堵塞. 相比之

4. 排气管:但法拉利的好成绩因莱科宁的排气管(exhaust)脱落而变得不完美. 赛后莱科宁的机械师对病人遇到的问题做了说明,他表示尽管莱科宁遭遇了排气管脱落的问题,在直道上的动力收到了严重影响,但和其他车队遇到的大问题相比,

5. exhaust在线翻译

5. exhaust:exh; 排汽

exhaust 词典解释

1. 使精疲力竭;使疲惫不堪
    If something exhausts you, it makes you so tired, either physically or mentally, that you have no energy left.

    e.g. Don't exhaust him...
    e.g. He took to walking long distances in an attempt to physically exhaust himself.

She was too exhausted and distressed to talk about the tragedy.
It was an exhausting schedule she had set herself.

2. 耗尽;用光
    If you exhaust something such as money or food, you use or finish it all.


    e.g. We have exhausted all our material resources...
    e.g. They said that food supplies were almost exhausted.

3. 详尽地讨论;详尽无遗地论述
    If you have exhausted a subject or topic, you have talked about it so much that there is nothing more to say about it.

    e.g. She and Chantal must have exhausted the subject of babies and clothes.

4. 排气管
    The exhaust or the exhaust pipe is the pipe which carries the gas out of the engine of a vehicle.


5. 尾气;废气
    Exhaust is the gas or steam that is produced when the engine of a vehicle is running.

    e.g. ...the exhaust from a car engine...
    e.g. The city's streets are filthy and choked with exhaust fumes.

exhaust 单语例句

1. Integrated together, the technology allows for controlled removal of exhaust byproduct while obtaining the government's mandate.

2. LONDON - Like UV rays and diesel exhaust fumes, working the graveyard shift will soon be listed as a " probable " cause of cancer.

3. An auto owner will pay less tax if his or her car emits less exhaust fumes and requires less oil.

4. Exhaust emission has become a notorious source of pollutants like carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon in China as more families are buying private cars.

5. The smell was similar to a mixture of carbon monoxide and sulfureted hydrogen, two exhaust gases which might have been discharged from two nearby factories.

6. Most of the annual platinum production is used in catalytic converters in car exhaust systems and fine jewelry.

7. The amount of exhaust fumes from 200 million automobiles should be grave enough to send a chill up our spine.

8. It also means cleaner exhaust is pushed out of the Magotan's twin exhaust pipes.

9. The incineration exhaust heat is discharged after treatment through the existing cogeneration, or combined heat and power system and electrostatic dust collection system in the rotary kiln.

10. And the check will be realized through the adoption of stricter exhaust gas emission standard, the report said.

exhaust 英英释义


1. system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged

    Synonym: exhaust system

2. gases ejected from an engine as waste products

    Synonym: exhaust fumesfumes



1. wear out completely

    e.g. This kind of work exhausts me
           I'm beat
           He was all washed up after the exam

    Synonym: wash upbeattuckertucker out

2. eliminate (a substance)

    e.g. combustion products are exhausted in the engine
           the plant releases a gas

    Synonym: dischargeexpelejectrelease

3. use up the whole supply of

    e.g. We have exhausted the food supplies

4. use up (resources or materials)

    e.g. this car consumes a lot of gas
           We exhausted our savings
           They run through 20 bottles of wine a week

    Synonym: consumeeat upuse upeatdepleterun throughwipe out

5. deplete

    e.g. exhaust one's savings
           We quickly played out our strength

    Synonym: run downplay outsaptire

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