
funk是什么意思 funk在线翻译 funk什么意思 funk的意思 funk的翻译 funk的解释 funk的发音 funk的同义词 funk的反义词 funk的例句 funk的相关词组

funk [fʌŋk]  [fʌŋk, fuŋk] 


funk 基本解释

名词惊恐; 沮丧; 懦夫

及物动词(因恐惧)避开(某事物); 害怕; 使闻到刺鼻的味道

不及物动词畏缩; 发出刺鼻臭味

funk 网络解释

1. funk是什么意思

1. 芬克:有时是不是也想弹点自己的东西啊,但真正想弹时又不知道弹什么,这说明你缺乏正规的训练. 没关系,只要你对自己有信心,我们会让你即兴弹奏流行(POP)金属(METAL)蓝调(BLUES)爵士(JAZZ)芬克(FUNK)乡村(COUNTRY)六大主流风格的SOLO与RIFF!

funk 词典解释

1. (由爵士乐和布鲁斯发展而来的)乡土爵士乐,放克音乐
    Funk is a style of dance music based on jazz and blues, with a strong, repeated bass part.

    e.g. ...a mixture of experimental jazz, soul and funk.

2. (尤因处于自己无法控制的情形中而出现的)恐慌,惊恐
    If someone is in a funk, they are frightened, especially because they are in a situation they cannot control.

    e.g. He was in a blue funk! Worse than me!...
    e.g. My face went crimson (which it does out of sheer funk).

3. (因害怕而)逃避
    If you funk something, you avoid doing it because you are afraid.


    e.g. If he funks it, he will confirm the impression of cowardice given by his recent letter.

funk 单语例句


1. Expect sexy wardens, convict mixologists and JailHouse Funk being spun by Hed Kandi DJ Paul Centellas.

2. The patient is the American consumer the world's biggest by far, but now in the throes of the worst funk since the Great Depression.

3. The big winners this year were the Los Angeles funk band Black Eyed Peas, who won all three categories in which they were nominated.

4. Tour veteran and Maryland native Fred Funk conceded this week's event would have a very different feel for the players.

5. Douglas and Holly Funk hope to bring their Mia to Miami in October.

6. Funk will mix with football on Sunday, when organizers are planning to show England's round of 16 match on a giant screen.

7. The defending NBA champions sounded frustrated and confused while complaining about a lack of communication and being in a funk.

8. He is a lost soul, and it's not clear he is going to snap out of his funk anytime soon.

9. He had his heart broken by Greg Norman's daughter last year and has been in a funk ever since.

10. Most of the foreign students at Jazz du Funk had already received several years of dance training in their own countries.

funk 英英释义


1. an earthy type of jazz combining it with blues and soul
    has a heavy bass line that accentuates the first beat in the bar

2. a state of nervous depression

    e.g. he was in a funk

    Synonym: blue funk


1. draw back, as with fear or pain

    e.g. she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf

    Synonym: flinchsquinchcringeshrinkwincerecoilquail

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