
gelatin是什么意思 gelatin在线翻译 gelatin什么意思 gelatin的意思 gelatin的翻译 gelatin的解释 gelatin的发音 gelatin的同义词 gelatin的反义词

gelatin [ˈdʒelətɪn]  [ˈdʒɛlətn] 

gelatin 基本解释


gelatin 相关例句


1. gelatin的翻译

1. Does the food contain gelatin?

gelatin 网络解释

1. 明胶:[定义] 明胶(Gelatin)是胶原的水解产物,是一种无脂肪的高蛋白,且不含胆固醇,是一种天然营养型的食品增稠剂. 食用后既不会使人发胖,也不会导致体力下降. 明胶还是一种强有力的保护胶体,乳化力强,进入胃后能抑制牛奶、豆浆等蛋白质因胃酸作用而...

2. 凝胶:肠段组织片的制备:快速收集健康试验动物的肠段,立即置于冰块上,然后钝器轻轻将肠道内容物去除(注意力量不要过于太大,以免破坏肠道的完整性),再用含0.01%凝胶(gelatin)的PBS洗净直至肉眼看不到内容物为止.

3. 胶:明胶(Gelatin)是胶原的水解产物,是一种无脂肪的高蛋白,且不含胆固醇,是一种天然营养型的食品增稠剂. 食用后既不会使人发胖,也不会导致体力下降. 明胶还是一种强有力的保护胶体,乳化力强,进入胃后能抑制牛奶、豆浆等蛋白质因胃酸作用而引起的凝聚作用,从而有利于食物消

4. 动物胶:曰粮中蛋白质品质对兔子是重要的,因其蛋白质之品质可改善饲料采食量,Davidson & Spreadbury (1975)显示出,以鱼粉、酪蛋白(casein)黄豆粉为蛋白质源,其生长速率超过40克/天,如以花生、玉米麸(Maize gluten),动物胶(Gelatin)为来源,其生长速率低於30克/天,

gelatin 单语例句

1. The company allegedly sold industrial gelatin labeled as edible gelatin to capsule producers, the county government's information office said in a statement released on Wednesday.

2. The Ministry of Public Security said on Sunday it had arrested nine suspects, detained 54 and sealed 80 industrial gelatin and gel capsule manufacturing lines.

3. An initial investigation showed that Song had set the fire while trying to destroy evidence that the plant provided industrial gelatin to capsule production companies.

4. The investigation has also led to an overhaul of the production of nationwide drug capsule makers and manufacturers of gelatin for medical use.

5. The factory was put under the spotlight after state media reported that it had provided industrial gelatin to a capsule production company in Zhejiang.

6. Multicolored layers were patiently added one by one, until the little gelatin tower was carefully unmolded to magnificent perfection.

7. The Hebei factory was revealed by China Central Television on Sunday to be selling industrial gelatin to a medicine capsule company in Zhejiang.

8. The dumping came after a media report revealed that some Chinese manufacturers have packaged several types of medication in capsules made of toxic industrial gelatin.

9. The companies allegedly produced and sold capsules made with industrial gelatin, which contains a much higher level of chromium than edible gelatin.

10. The drug safety watchdog promised to strengthen monitoring and firmly crack down on the illegal use of industrial gelatin to produce drug capsules.

gelatin 英英释义


1. a thin translucent membrane used over stage lights for color effects

    Synonym: gel

2. an edible jelly (sweet or pungent) made with gelatin and used as a dessert or salad base or a coating for foods

    Synonym: jelly

3. a colorless water-soluble glutinous protein obtained from animal tissues such as bone and skin

    Synonym: gelatine

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