
hawker是什么意思 hawker在线翻译 hawker什么意思 hawker的意思 hawker的翻译 hawker的解释 hawker的发音 hawker的同义词 hawker的反义词 hawker的例句

hawker [ˈhɔ:kə(r)]  [ˈhɔkɚ] 


hawker 基本解释

名词沿街叫卖者; 驯鹰者

hawker 相关例句


1. No hawkers!

hawker 网络解释

1. hawker的近义词

1. 霍克:但霍克(Hawker)飞机公司的肯姆(Camm)爵士富有远见地坚持设计单翼战斗机,并争得军方的采纳. 在设计过程中,肯姆爵士把飓风战斗机原计划采用的Goshawk发动机和固定式起落架改为马力更大的马林(Merlin)PV12发动机和收放式起落架,并将作为主要武

2. 携鹰打猎者:hawk-nosed 鹰钩鼻子的 | hawker 携鹰打猎者 | hawking 利用鹰行猎

3. hawker的解释

3. 沿街叫卖的小贩:233. harridan: 凶恶的老妇,老巫婆. | 234. hawker: 沿街叫卖的小贩. | 235. hedonist: 享乐主义者.

hawker 词典解释

1. 街头小贩;上门推销员
    You can use hawker to refer to a person who tries to sell things by calling at people's homes or standing in the street, especially when you do not approve of this activity.


    e.g. ...as soon as she saw that it was a visitor and not a hawker or tramp at her door.

hawker 单语例句

1. Conceivably someone could rescue the Legacy Hawker 800 series of aircraft, the best part of its business jet lines.

2. Sara Hawker is one of the editors of the Oxford Dictionary of English.

3. Hawker plans to get 40 percent of his premium income from outside Australia and New Zealand by 2012.

4. They included separating hawker stalls, reducing illegal extensions and ensuring stalls were set apart from buildings.

5. Organizers set up " hawker stalls " offering visitors a taste of authentic Singaporean food while magicians, singers and jugglers entertained the masses.

6. About 81 per cent are willing to date unemployed women, and 65 per cent have no problem dating a hawker.

7. Food critic Johnny Chan has been patronizing this oyster pancake hawker in Shantou for decades.

8. He had said he hoped to provide sales from the book to the Hawker family as a form of compensation.

9. But she could not identify the hawker who sold her the additive.

10. Grocery stores, hawker stands and plenty of parking lots make living here convenient.

hawker 英英释义



1. a person who breeds and trains hawks and who follows the sport of falconry

    Synonym: falconer

2. someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)

    Synonym: peddlerpedlarpackmanpitchman

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