
peddler是什么意思 peddler在线翻译 peddler什么意思 peddler的意思 peddler的翻译 peddler的解释 peddler的发音 peddler的同义词 peddler的反义词

peddler [ˈpedlə(r)]  [ˈpɛdlɚ] 


peddler 基本解释


peddler 相关例句


1. He is a drug peddler.

peddler 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 小贩:由于挑水夫与小贩(Peddler)似乎不会记忆哪些地方他们曾经走过,而且他们在叉路时的转向似乎是随机决定的,所以玩家最好避免在住宅区中制造十字路口,以免某些住宅一直得不到水及食物的补给.

2. peddler

2. 小商贩:1.学校周围存在一个市场,噪音、空气污染严重; 2.小商贩(peddler)经常出入学校,影响学生上课; 3.受市场影响,部分学生弃学从商; 4.要求搬迁市场. 要求: 1.词数:100左...

3. 小贩, 传播者:polycrystal alumina 多晶氧化铝(制作快摆叉瓦用) | peddler 小贩, 传播者 | axis of commutation (整流子的)中性线 转向轴线

4. 沿门兜售小贩:payroll 薪饷 | peddler 沿门兜售小贩 | percentage profit 利润比率

peddler 词典解释

The spelling pedlar is also used in British English for meanings 1 and 3. 拼写pedlar在英国英语中亦用于义项1和3。

1. 流动小贩;货郎
    A peddler is someone who goes from place to place in order to sell something.

2. 毒贩
    A drug peddler is a person who sells illegal drugs.

3. (思想或信息的)宣扬者,散布者
    A peddler of information or ideas is someone who frequently expresses such ideas to other people.

    e.g. ...the peddlers of fear.

peddler 单语例句


1. " Business is Ok and as usual, " said a Uygur fruits peddler.

2. We were saved time and trouble, and the peddler was in for a small bonus later when paying his business tax.

3. A program on CCTV channel Two broadcast a peddler of Guangzhou who was deprived of her things on two consecutive days.

4. " I have to say the Expo has greatly enriched my experience as a street peddler, " Liu said with a chuckle.

5. A woman who bought a pair of sunglasses from a peddler later found that her cool new shades might lead to her untimely demise.

6. Local media reports quoted a peddler as saying the change would mean his family could earn a living without fear of ending up in trouble.

7. To earn money for the whole family and himself, the unfortunate boy was once and is still being a peddler of daily articles.

8. With every movement of the puppet as it followed the old peddler's instructions, the man holding the newspaper moved his hands ever so slightly.

9. I bought them in the autumn from a street peddler who was also hawking goldfish, kittens and bunnies.

10. Hearing our complaining, a nearby peddler offered to take it off our hands.

peddler 英英释义



1. someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)

    Synonym: pedlarpackmanhawkerpitchman

2. an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs

    Synonym: pusherdrug peddlerdrug dealerdrug trafficker

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