
pitchman是什么意思 pitchman在线翻译 pitchman什么意思 pitchman的意思 pitchman的翻译 pitchman的解释 pitchman的发音 pitchman的同义词

pitchman ['pɪtʃmən]  ['pɪtʃmən] 


pitchman 基本解释


pitchman 网络解释

1. 摊贩:pitching 铺地石 | pitchman 摊贩 | pitchout 坏球

2. 商品宣传者:pitching 俯仰 | pitchman 商品宣传者 | pitchout 投手故意投的坏球

3. 摊贩,商品宣传员:watchman更夫,警卫员 | pitchman 摊贩,商品宣传员 | switchman 扳道工人

4. 摊贩; 广告员; 商品宣传员 (名):pitching 铺地石; 俯仰 (名) | pitchman 摊贩; 广告员; 商品宣传员 (名) | pitchy 粘的, 漆黑的, 涂沥青的 (形)

pitchman 双语例句

1. In the intervening time he has become a ubiquitous pitchman in China and the face of the 2008 Games.

2. Consumer capitalism has pressed the snowman into service as a pitchman for everything from anti-dandruff shampoo to laxatives to tampons.

3. My new book by world-famous Internet Pitchman Robert Johnson.

4. Of course, the book itself is not free and the chances are that the business and/or the pitchman make their living from selling that book and not from free money from anyone.

5. pitchman在线翻译

5. For the third time, Yao refused to be Toyota's pitchman, he did not even want to explain the reason, replied with only one word: NO.

6. Florida police say TV pitchman Billy Mays has died in his Tampa home.
    佛罗里达警方称电视广告员Billy Mays 死在他坦帕的家里。

7. This week the venture also hired a new pitchman, Chinese-American basketball sensation Jeremy Lin.

8. Celebrity endorsements are commonplace, from capital one pitchman Alec Baldwin to Revlon " brand ambassador " Halle Berry.

9. pitchman是什么意思

9. His rock-star mane and six-pack abs have helped cast him as a pitchman for Amway and Bausch & Lomb.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. In the intervening time he has become a ubiquitous pitchman in China and the face of the2008 Games.

11. Liu's Olympic victory in Athens four years ago heralded unbridled opportunities for the hurdler and he has cashed in on his fame to become a popular pitchman and a millionaire in his own right.

12. pitchman的翻译

12. Pioneering TV journalist and Timex watch pitchman John Cameron Swayze died in Sarasota, Florida, at age89.

13. pitchman的意思

13. Mr Erard repeatedly peppers his text with such questions, feeling his way through his story as a thoughtful observer, rather than banging about like an academic with a theory to defend or a pitchman with a technique to sell.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. His annual endorsement income last year was estimated at $ 36 million, more than triple that of the next highest-paid Chinese sports pitchman, hurdler Liu Xiang.

15. pitchman的意思

15. Jerry Seinfeld will appear as a celebrity pitchman as part of a new $ 300 million ad campaign being developed for Microsoft, The Wall Street Journal reported.

16. pitchman的翻译

16. He became conversant in English, and could crack wise on Jimmy Kimmel's show or play pitchman for Visa.

17. pitchman的近义词

17. A Study on the Steering Committee of Pitchman Association of Beijing from 1949 to 1952

pitchman 英英释义


1. someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)

    Synonym: peddlerpedlarpackmanhawker

2. an aggressive salesman who uses a fast line of talk to sell something

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