
intentional是什么意思 intentional在线翻译 intentional什么意思 intentional的意思 intentional的翻译 intentional的解释 intentional的发音

intentional [ɪnˈtenʃənl]  [ɪnˈtɛnʃənəl] 

intentional 基本解释

形容词有意的,故意的; 策划的

intentional 同义词

intentional 反义词


intentional 相关例句


1. His insult was intentional.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. I trust that bump wasn't intentional.

intentional 网络解释

1. 故意的:在仲裁某些特别严重的违法(outrageous)证券案件时,为了阻止欺诈行为再度发生, 惩罚故意的(intentional)、罪恶昭彰的(flagrant)或疏忽大意的(reckless)行为,以及为了树立榜样,使证券经纪人不敢利用公众对其信任而舞弊,

2. intentional的翻译

2. 有意的:二、引发幽默刺激的事件包含有意的(intentional)及无意的(unintentional)状态. 三、幽默的引发反应是根据主观的认知反应,而非可观察到的外在反应. Nazareth(1988)认为,幽默可从三个层面来分析:第一是引起幽默的特定刺激型态;

3. 有意图的:从媒体对此一新闻事件的处理,我们可以观察到以下值得注意的现象:(1)大众传播媒体(报纸)的版面,是记者和各类消息来源权力互动的场域;(2)记者和消息来源都是有意图的(intentional)作为者,绝非无意图的不作为者;(3)不同消息来源因其身分、地位不同,

4. 有意识的:intention tremor 意向性震颤 | intentional 有意识的 | intentional accident 意向性事故

intentional 词典解释

1. 故意的;有意的
    Something that is intentional is deliberate.

    e.g. Women who are the victims of intentional discrimination will be able to get compensation...
    e.g. How can I blame him? It wasn't intentional.

I've never intentionally hurt anyone...
The figures are intentionally misleading.

intentional 单语例句


1. " It's hard to define what we mean by'intentional', " He said.

2. A large number of people fall sick because of intentional contamination of food by producers or because of careless and unsupervised practices.

3. The local police of Badong county first charged her with the crime of intentional murder when the case was still under investigation.

4. It is undoubtedly unfair and unjustifiable for local county police to investigate a case with the preconceived charge of intentional murder.

5. Fitzgerald could charge one or more presidential aides with violating a law prohibiting the intentional unmasking of an undercover CIA officer.

6. " It wasn't intentional, " Usher says when asked about the coincidence.

7. Previous radioactive emissions have come from intentional efforts to vent small amounts of steam through valves to prevent the core from bursting.

8. I've always wondered how one can correctly tell apart intentional groping from inappropriate touching as a result of overcrowding.

9. The intentional crash this morning is the first and bigger of two planned collisions that are expected to kick up miles of lunar dust.

10. According to Criminal Law, the maximum sentence for " intentional assault " is the death penalty.

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