
little是什么意思 little在线翻译 little什么意思 little的意思 little的翻译 little的解释 little的发音 little的同义词 little的反义词 little的例句

little [ˈlɪtl]  [ˈlɪtl] 


little 基本解释

形容词小的; 琐碎的; 娇小的; 幼小的

副词不多,略微; 少许,一点; 短时间地

名词(表示否定)微少; 没有多少; 短时间

限定词(数量上)微少的,少到几乎没有的; (a little)少量的,一些

little 同义词

little 反义词

little 相关词组


1. make little of : 不重视;

2. think little of : 不重视, 认为...没价值;

3. in little : 小规模地;

4. not a little : 许多;

5. for a little : 一会儿;

6. after a little : 过了一会儿;

little 相关例句


1. I can't bother him with my little affairs.

2. Don't worry about little things.

3. little的解释

3. We got little help from them.


1. little什么意思

1. You rest too little.

little 情景对话


A:You should save (some/ a lot/ a little bit of) money on parking here.



A:I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me.

B:Save the dark meat for me.


A:Happy birthday, Alice, here is a little something for you.

B:Thank you very much, David. It’s an excellent birthday gift.

little 网络解释

1. 少许:问到有关贪污是否影响了他们的生活,21%的人认为非常大(very much)、26%的人认为一些(some)、22%的人认为少许(little)和26%的人认为完全没有(not at all).

2. 利特尔:......利特尔(Little)认为,专业发展的构成,必须包括这样一些活动:深化讨论、开放论争、丰富各种行动的可能性. 从教学行为的本质上看,就是使教师能够从机械运用课程和技术的方法中摆脱出来,灵活地运用教学方法和技术,帮助学生探究性地学习.

little 词典解释


1. (数量上)微少的,少到几乎没有的(可用so,too,very修饰)
    You use little to indicate that there is only a very small amount of something. You can use 'so', 'too', and 'very' in front of little.

    e.g. I had little money and little free time...
    e.g. I find that I need very little sleep these days...

2. (频率或程度)微小地,小到几乎没有地
    Little means not very often or to only a small extent.


    e.g. On their way back to Marseille they spoke very little...
    e.g. Only Africa is at present little affected by hard drugs.

3. (数量上)不多的(亦作a very little)
    A little of something is a small amount of it, but not very much. You can also say a very little.

    e.g. Mrs Caan needs a little help getting her groceries home...
    e.g. A little food would do us all some good...

4. 短时间地;一会儿地
    If you do something a little, you do it for a short time.

    e.g. He walked a little by himself in the garden.

5. (程度上)一点地,少量地
    A little or a little bit means to a small extent or degree.

    e.g. He complained a little of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades...
    e.g. He was a little bit afraid of his father's reaction...

6. 逐渐地;一点一点地
    If something happens little by little, it happens very gradually.

    e.g. In the beginning he had felt well, but little by little he was becoming weaker...
    e.g. I would have to learn, little by little, to exist alone.

You can use the adjective little to talk about things that are small. ...a little house. ...little children. However, little is not normally used to emphasize or draw attention to the fact that something is small. For instance, you do not usually say 'The town is little' or 'I have a very little car', but you can say The town is small' or I have a very small car'. Little is a less precise word than small, and may be used to suggest the speaker's feelings or attitude towards the person or thing being described. For that reason, little is often used after another adjective. What a nice little house you've got here!... Shut up, you horrible little boy! Little and a little are both used as determiners in front of uncount nouns, but they do not have the same meaning. For example, if you say 'I have a little money', this is a positive statement and you are saying that you have some money. However, if you say 'I have little money', this is a negative statement and you are saying that you have almost no money.
little作形容词时表示“小的”,如:a little house(小房子),little children(小孩子)。但little一般不用于强调某物之小,如通常不会说 The town is little或 I have a very little car, 但可以说The town is small(这个城镇很小)或 I have a very small car(我有一辆很小的汽车)。little不如small精确,而且可用于表示说话人对于所谈论的人或物的感情或态度。因而,little常跟在另一个形容词之后,如:What a nice little house you've got here(你这小房子真漂亮啊),Shut up, you horrible little boy(闭嘴,你这个讨厌的小家伙)。little和a little都可用作限定词修饰不可数名词,但其含义不同。例如,I have a little money(我有一点钱)是肯定陈述,表示有一些钱,而I have little money(我没什么钱)是否定陈述,表示几乎没钱。


The comparative littler and the superlative littlest are sometimes used in spoken English for meanings 1, 3, and 4, but otherwise the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective little are not used.

1. 小的(比small略欠正式)
    Little things are small in size. Little is slightly more informal than small .

    e.g. We sat around a little table, eating and drinking wine.
    e.g. ...the little group of art students.

2. 娇小的;小巧的
    You use little to indicate that someone or something is small, in a pleasant and attractive way.

    e.g. She's got the nicest little house not far from the library.
    e.g. ...a little old lady...

3. 幼小的
    A little child is young.

    e.g. I have a little boy of 8...
    e.g. When I was little I was very hyperactive.

4. (兄弟或姐妹)年纪较小的
    Your little sister or brother is younger than you are.

    e.g. Whenever Daniel's little sister was asked to do something she always had a naughty reply.

5. (距离、时间、事件等)短的
    A little distance, period of time, or event is short in length.


    e.g. Just go down the road a little way, turn left, and cross the bridge...
    e.g. Why don't we just wait a little while and see what happens...

6. (声音、手势等)快速的
    A little sound or gesture is quick.

    e.g. I had a little laugh to myself...
    e.g. She stood up quickly, giving a little cry of astonishment...

7. 微不足道的;细小的;琐碎的
    You use little to indicate that something is not serious or important.

    e.g. ...irritating little habits...
    e.g. Harry found himself getting angry over little things that had never bothered him before.

little 单语例句

1. Some Little Sheep restaurants have even extended their business hours to take advantage of the longer daylight hours during summer.

2. Even those who speak Korean are language majors with little business or technological background.

3. While taming Little Wild Man has proven a tricky business, we've had better luck in training him.

4. The old man used to operate a travel agency in Hefei, but did little business.

5. Litang is a bustling little town with colorful street life thanks to the nomadic shepherds and Tibetan people coming to sell and buy their products.

6. Obama will visit a bustling construction site that bears little resemblance to the pit that became ground zero in the months after the attack.

7. You get to live your life, have such a busy season and then quieten down a little bit.

8. Service on the busy Line 1 was disrupted due to an electrical failure, which reportedly triggered the collision in the tunnel a little after seven in the morning.

9. But what if this little creature becomes a barrier between you and your lover, then what?

10. They had some help from referee on little details, but what can I do?

little 英英释义


1. a small amount or duration

    e.g. he accepted the little they gave him



1. small in a way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the context)

    e.g. a nice little job
           bless your little heart
           my dear little mother
           a sweet little deal
           I'm tired of your petty little schemes
           filthy little tricks
           what a nasty little situation

2. (informal) small and of little importance

    e.g. a fiddling sum of money
           a footling gesture
           our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war
           a little (or small) matter
           a dispute over niggling details
           limited to petty enterprises
           piffling efforts
           giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction

    Synonym: fiddlingfootlinglilliputiannigglingpiddlingpifflingpettypicayunetrivial

3. limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent

    e.g. a little dining room
           a little house
           a small car
           a little (or small) group

    Synonym: small

4. (of a voice) faint

    e.g. a little voice
           a still small voice

    Synonym: small

5. lowercase

    e.g. little a
           small a
           e.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters

    Synonym: minusculesmall

6. (of children and animals) young, immature

    e.g. what a big little boy you are
           small children

    Synonym: small

7. low in stature
    not tall

    e.g. he was short and stocky
           short in stature
           a short smokestack
           a little man

    Synonym: short



1. not much

    e.g. he talked little about his family

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