
punk是什么意思 punk在线翻译 punk什么意思 punk的意思 punk的翻译 punk的解释 punk的发音 punk的同义词 punk的反义词 punk的例句 punk的相关词组

punk [pʌŋk]  [pʌŋk] 


punk 基本解释

名词庞克(一种摇滚乐,自70年代末期起流行,是对传统的反叛); 年轻无知的人; 妓女; 无聊人物(或东西)

形容词没价值的,低劣的; 庞克风格


punk 网络解释

1. 音乐:而就在新闻自由黄丝带运动在5月尾爆发时,也是代表着华社改革运动的扩张时,抗争式、反建构(Anti-establishment)的歌曲,比如庞客音乐(Punk)就应该是白小运动和黄丝带反对马华收购南洋报社运动的背景音乐.

punk 词典解释

1. 朋克摇滚乐(尤其风行于20世纪70年代后期的一种快节奏、喧闹、激进的摇滚乐,常表现对传统态度和行为的不满)
    Punk or punk rock is rock music that is played in a fast, loud, and aggressive way and is often a protest against conventional attitudes and behaviour. Punk rock was particularly popular in the late 1970s.


    e.g. I was never really into punk.
    e.g. ...a punk rock band.

2. 朋克风格的;出格的;另类的
    Punk clothes or styles are associated with punk music and are very noticeable and unconventional.


    e.g. ...a punk hairdo.

3. 朋克摇滚乐迷
    A punk or a punk rocker is a young person who likes punk music and dresses in a very noticeable and unconventional way, for example by having brightly coloured hair and wearing metal chains.

4. 小流氓;小阿飞;小混混
    A punk is a young person who behaves in a rude, aggressive, or violent way.

    e.g. He is fast getting a reputation as a young punk.

punk 单语例句

1. Soundtrack of Our Lives is a Swedish rock band that formed in 1995 from ashes of punk band Union Carbide Productions.

2. Though their classification as punk is the subject of much debate, the band accepts it for the sake of convenience.

3. Angelina Jolie uses punk music to help her prepare for filming emotional sequences because it gets her adrenaline flowing.

4. The former punk rocker had loaded his jacket with more medals than is considered correct at the Raisa Gorbachev Foundation annual gala on Saturday night.

5. They will be joined by fellow punk rockers SUBS and Demerit, two of China's finest hardcore outfits.

6. While the artists under Pilots Record are mainly rockers and punk singers, the music festival will evolve to meet the tastes and demands of its larger audiences.

7. They are set to belt out their classic anthems as well as new punk ballads from their recent album Northern Avenger.

8. Kennedy takes the stage dressed as casually as he can with his punk hairdo.

9. The professional drinks prices demand a professional crowd, and Punk is becoming the hangout of choice for the terminally cool.

10. The offerings will cover a range of genres - from alternative rock, hip hop and punk rock to folk and reggae.

punk 英英释义


1. rock music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation
    in part a reaction against progressive rock

    Synonym: punk rock

2. an aggressive and violent young criminal

    Synonym: hoodhoodlumgoonthugtoughtoughiestrong-armer

3. a teenager or young adult who is a performer (or enthusiast) of punk rock and a member of the punk youth subculture

    Synonym: punk rocker

4. material for starting a fire

    Synonym: kindlingtindertouchwoodspunk

5. substance that smolders when ignited
    used to light fuses (especially fireworks)



1. of very poor quality

    Synonym: bumcheapcheesychintzycrummysleazytinny

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