
restricted是什么意思 restricted在线翻译 restricted什么意思 restricted的意思 restricted的翻译 restricted的解释 restricted的发音 restricted的同义词

restricted [rɪˈstrɪktɪd]  [rɪˈstrɪktɪd] 


restricted 基本解释


形容词有受限制的; (土地)对公众不完全开放的; 保密的

动词限制( restrict的过去式)


restricted 网络解释

1. 限制性:本文将回顾这场由布鲁克勒发动的仔细检查怀疑论论证的逻辑结构的运动,并为这样一种观点提供辩护:在逻辑上不充分决定性原理与演绎闭合原理互不蕴涵;同时,我们应该区分两种类型的怀疑论论证--整体(global)怀疑论假设论证和限制性(restricted)怀疑论假设论证.

2. restricted在线翻译

2. 受限制:米利西奇在2003年9月12日与活塞队签订了一份为期4年、总价值1682万美元的新秀合同,2007年夏天到期,但母队有优先续约权,仍然属于受限制(Restricted)自由球员.

restricted 词典解释

1. 有限的;很少的
    Something that is restricted is quite small or limited.


    e.g. ...the monotony of a heavily restricted diet...
    e.g. Plants, like animals, often have restricted habitats.

2. 仅限…使用的;仅限…所有的
    If something is restricted to a particular group, only members of that group have it. If it is restricted to a particular place, it exists only in that place.


    e.g. Discipline problems are by no means restricted to children in families dependent on benefits...
    e.g. The problem is not restricted to the southeast.

3. (地区)不对外开放的
    A restricted area is one that only people with special permission can enter.


    e.g. ...a highly restricted area close to the old Khodinka airfield.

4. (文件等)保密的,仅限于内部的
    A restricted document is one that only people with special permission can read.

    e.g. The charge was that, in February 1975, he had leaked a restricted document to a journalist.

in AM, use 美国英语用 classified

restricted 单语例句

1. Seoul took the action in 2008 when an ROK tourist was fatally shot after allegedly entering a restricted military area next to the facility.

2. From a practical standpoint, this fixation on celebrity nourishment is surely a byproduct of restricted access.

3. But the highly restricted capital market and an overly protective banking sector are far from ideal for the nurturing of financial talents.

4. But facing the unfolding global capitalist crisis, the restricted Chinese capital market helped cushion crash somewhat.

5. Enterprises subject to online customs supervision are also governed by this Article when carrying out processing trade of products under the restricted category.

6. There was no way to independently confirm the casualty figures because access to the affected regions was restricted for journalists.

7. Futures companies moved to the restricted financial industry list from the forbidden list, in the last version of the catalogue.

8. With Nene signed, the Nuggets had little reason to keep restricted free agent center Francisco Elson.

9. Many of the cases that have made the headlines in the past few years have centered on vendors pedaling without permits or in restricted areas.

10. Farmers who want to move sheep out of a restricted area can have them tested to check their level of cesium.

restricted 英英释义


1. the lowest level of official classification for documents

2. restricted in meaning
    (as e.g. `man' in `a tall man')

    Synonym: qualified

3. subject to restriction or subjected to restriction

    e.g. of restricted importance

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