
ruffle是什么意思 ruffle在线翻译 ruffle什么意思 ruffle的意思 ruffle的翻译 ruffle的解释 ruffle的发音 ruffle的同义词 ruffle的反义词 ruffle的例句

ruffle [ˈrʌfl]  [ˈrʌfəl] 


ruffle 基本解释

名词褶裥; 混乱; (鼓的)轻擂声; 急躁,生气

及物/不及物动词激怒; 弄皱; 连续地轻敲; 扰乱

ruffle 相关例句


1. Anne is a bit ruffled.

2. She ruffled the pages of the book, searching for answers.

3. ruffle什么意思

3. She wore a ruffled white blouse.


1. The flag ruffled in the breeze.


1. ruffle的意思

1. Her dress was adorned with ruffles.

ruffle 网络解释

1. 皱褶:在细胞表面还有一种扁形突起,称为皱褶(ruffle)或片足(lamellipodia). 皱褶在形态上不同于微绒毛,它宽而扁,宽度不等,厚度与微绒毛直径相等,约0.1μm,高达几微米. 在巨噬细胞的表面上,普遍存在着皱褶结构,与吞噬颗粒物质有关.

2. 荷叶边:店铺网络已发展至全球,并更开设女装X-Girl系列,成为板界时装的追捧对象. 背景介绍:Vert Dense的品牌风格一向以浪漫为主,着重于为时尚女性展现其迷人魅力,设计又多以蝴蝶结(Bow)及荷叶边(Ruffle)作点缀,尽显女性的娇柔美.

3. 大皱边:frill 小绉边褶 | ruffle 大皱边 | regular 规则的

ruffle 词典解释

1. (为表示喜爱)抚弄(他人头发)
    If you ruffle someone's hair, you move your hand backwards and forwards through it as a way of showing your affection towards them.

    e.g. 'Don't let that get you down,' he said ruffling Ben's dark curls.

2. 吹皱;使泛起涟漪;使起伏不平
    When the wind ruffles something such as the surface of the sea, it causes it to move gently in a wave-like motion.


    e.g. The evening breeze ruffled the pond...
    e.g. A gust of breeze moved down the hillside, ruffling the grass.

3. 使惊慌;使失去信心;激怒;使沮丧
    If something ruffles someone, it causes them to panic and lose their confidence or to become angry or upset.


    e.g. I could tell that my refusal to allow him to ruffle me infuriated him.
    e.g. Nothing could ruffle the perfect composure with which she casually greets members of staff.

4. (鸟类)竖起(羽毛)
    If a bird ruffles its feathers or if its feathers ruffle, they stand out on its body, for example when it is cleaning itself or when it is frightened.


    e.g. Tame birds, when approached, will stretch out their necks and ruffle their neck feathering...
    e.g. Its body plumage suddenly began to ruffle and swell.

5. (衣服领口、袖口等处的)褶边,褶饰,花边
    Ruffles are folds of cloth at the neck or the ends of the arms of a piece of clothing, or are sometimes sewn on things as a decoration.


    e.g. ...a white blouse with ruffles at the neck and cuffs.

6. 激怒;使紧张;使沮丧
    To ruffle someone's feathers means to cause them to become very angry, nervous, or upset.

    e.g. His direct, often abrasive approach will doubtless ruffle a few feathers...
    e.g. Politicians are usually careful not to ruffle the feathers of their constituents.

ruffle 单语例句

1. A large ruffle fanned over the bust in this creation strictly for the statuesque.

2. The black ruffle vests added to the theme of the whole collection.

ruffle 英英释义


1. a noisy fight

    Synonym: affraydisturbancefray

2. a high tight collar

    Synonym: chokerruffneck ruff

3. a strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim

    Synonym: frillflouncefurbelow


1. pleat or gather into a ruffle

    e.g. ruffle the curtain fabric

    Synonym: pleat

2. disturb the smoothness of

    e.g. ruffle the surface of the water

    Synonym: ruffle uprumplemess up

3. erect or fluff up

    e.g. the bird ruffled its feathers

    Synonym: fluff

4. mix so as to make a random order or arrangement

    e.g. shuffle the cards

    Synonym: shufflemix

5. twitch or flutter

    e.g. the paper flicked

    Synonym: flickriffle

6. trouble or vex

    e.g. ruffle somebody's composure

7. discompose

    e.g. This play is going to ruffle some people
           She has a way of ruffling feathers among her colleagues

8. to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others

    e.g. He struts around like a rooster in a hen house

    Synonym: tittupswaggerprancestrutsashaycock

9. stir up (water) so as to form ripples

    Synonym: ripplerifflecockleundulate

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