
seal是什么意思 seal在线翻译 seal什么意思 seal的意思 seal的翻译 seal的解释 seal的发音 seal的同义词 seal的反义词 seal的例句 seal的相关词组

seal [si:l]  [sil] 


seal 基本解释

名词密封; 印章; 海豹; 封条

动词密封; 盖章; 决定; 封上(信封)

seal 同义词

seal 反义词


seal 相关例句


1. They sealed the bargain with a handshake.

2. seal的反义词

2. We seal the back of envelopes.

3. She forgot to seal her letter before mailing it.


1. The first time I saw seals was in an aquarium.

2. seal的翻译

2. He affixed his seal to the document.

seal 网络解释

1. 密封:K2, K3, K4- 对於桶槽内的气体不宜直接排放到大气层,或以 N2 密封 (Seal) 桶槽而要回收 N2,或将 N2 吸入桶槽内时,即需要装置有孔凸缘 (Vent Flange).

2. 封:上面的 manifest 文件定义了要发布的 Java 包的名称,并规定 JAR 文件应该 密封(seal)起来. 将一个文件密封起来可以确保com.newInstance.site.tags包中的所有类都 必须存在于同一个 JAR 文件中. 自然地,这样可以防止用户创建他自己的类,

3. seal什么意思

3. 封口:国内外情况简要说明: FFS袋用薄膜产品,因其能够实现连续一次自动成型(Form)、开口充料(Fill)、加热封口(Seal)等多道工序和作业过程,在欧美等发达国家被广泛应用,主要应用于石化企业合成树脂的自动、快速包装.

4. seal:simple and efficient adaptation layer; 简单有效适配层

5. seal:simple efficient atm layer; 简单高效的

6. seal:simple efficient adaptation layer; 简单有效的适配层

seal 词典解释


1. 封住,粘住(信封)
    When you seal an envelope, you close it by folding part of it over and sticking it down, so that it cannot be opened without being torn.

    e.g. He sealed the envelope and put on a stamp...
    e.g. Write your letter and seal it in a blank envelope...

2. 封住(容器、开口);把…密封(进容器)
    If you seal a container or an opening, you cover it with something in order to prevent air, liquid, or other material getting in or out. If you seal something in a container, you put it inside and then close the container tightly.

    e.g. She merely filled the containers, sealed them with a cork, and pasted on labels...
    e.g. A woman picks them up and seals them in plastic bags.

3. 密封处
    The seal on a container or opening is the part where it has been sealed.

    e.g. When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join, to form a seal.

4. 密封装置;密封物
    A seal is a device or a piece of material, for example in a machine, which closes an opening tightly so that air, liquid, or other substances cannot get in or out.

    e.g. Check seals on fridges and freezers regularly.

5. 封条;封蜡;封铅;火漆
    A seal is something such as a piece of sticky paper or wax that is fixed to a container or door and must be broken before the container or door can be opened.


    e.g. The seal on the box broke when it fell from its hiding-place...
    e.g. Protestors banged on the sides of the lorry and broke customs seals on the doors.

6. 印章;图章;玺;印记
    A seal is a special mark or design, for example on a document, representing someone or something. It may be used to show that something is genuine or officially approved.


    e.g. ...a supply of note paper bearing the Presidential seal...
    e.g. The best wines are entitled to a numbered seal of quality.

7. 封闭;封锁
    If someone in authority seals an area, they stop people entering or passing through it, for example by placing barriers in the way.


    e.g. The soldiers were deployed to help paramilitary police seal the border...
    e.g. A wide area round the two-storey building is sealed to all traffic except the emergency services.

8. 使成定局;确定
    To seal something means to make it definite or confirm how it is going to be.

    e.g. McLaren are close to sealing a deal with Renault...
    e.g. A General Election will be held which will seal his destiny one way or the other...

9. 使确定下来;使成定局
    If something sets or puts the seal on something, it makes it definite or confirms how it is going to be.

    e.g. Such a visit may set the seal on a new relationship between the two governments...
    e.g. They see this election as a chance to put the final seal on the defeat of communism.

10. 盖上印信的;不能拆开看的;保密的
    If a document is under seal, it is in a sealed envelope and cannot be looked at, for example because it is private.

    e.g. Because the transcript is still under seal, I am precluded by law from discussing the evidence.

11. seal of approval -> see approval
      to seal someone's fate -> see fate
      my lips are sealed -> see lip
      signed and sealed -> see sign

相关词组:seal inseal offseal up


1. 海豹
    A seal is a large animal with a rounded body and flat legs called flippers. Seals eat fish and live in and near the sea, usually in cold parts of the world.


seal 单语例句

1. The performance of a penetration seal is largely determined by how well it fits an opening and how well it accommodates cables and pipes.

2. The warning gave police time to seal off the area, but dozens were hurt by flying glass or the force of the blast.

3. The cake will be topped with a chocolate inaugural seal while the middle layer will be decorated with the seals of the five military branches.

4. But the bandits fled the ship with Phillips as their captive, holding him in the lifeboat until the SEAL sharpshooters rescued him.

5. The court of first instance's decision may very likely seal the sensational case.

6. At a funeral for a Navy SEAL who died in Afghanistan in 2011, dog Hawkeye lay by the casket during the memorial service.

7. The ring is emblazoned with an image of Peter casting his fishing nets and was traditionally used to seal apostolic letters.

8. Pat the duck back into shape and use toothpicks or bamboo skewers to seal the neck opening and the bottom cavity.

9. The China Chamber of International Commerce staged a March 28 seminar on the seal trade.

10. It took over three hours and help from people doing their morning exercises around the lake for keepers to chase the seal down.

seal 英英释义



1. any of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed
    chiefly of cold regions

2. a device incised to make an impression
    used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents

    Synonym: stamp

3. fastener that provides a tight and perfect closure

4. a finishing coat applied to exclude moisture

5. fastener consisting of a resinous composition that is plastic when warm
    used for sealing documents and parcels and letters

    Synonym: sealing wax

6. an indication of approved or superior status

    Synonym: cachetseal of approval

7. a stamp affixed to a document (as to attest to its authenticity or to seal it)

    e.g. the warrant bore the sheriff's seal

8. the pelt or fur (especially the underfur) of a seal

    e.g. a coat of seal

    Synonym: sealskin


1. decide irrevocably

    e.g. sealing dooms

2. hunt seals

3. cover with varnish

    Synonym: varnish

4. close with or as if with a seal

    e.g. She sealed the letter with hot wax

5. make tight
    secure against leakage

    e.g. seal the windows

    Synonym: seal off

6. affix a seal to

    e.g. seal the letter

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