
stamp是什么意思 stamp在线翻译 stamp什么意思 stamp的意思 stamp的翻译 stamp的解释 stamp的发音 stamp的同义词 stamp的反义词 stamp的例句

stamp [stæmp]  [stæmp] 


stamp 基本解释

名词邮票; 标志,印记; 跺脚; 特征

及物动词标记; 盖章于…; 贴邮票于…; 用脚踩踏

不及物动词捣碎; 跺脚

stamp 相关词组


1. stamp out : 扑灭, 踩灭, 消灭;

stamp 相关例句


1. He stamped on the insect.

2. He stamped his name on all his books.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Feudal ideas were stamped on her mind.


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Don't mix with people of that stamp.

2. He collects stamps.

stamp 情景对话

At the post office-(去邮局)


A:I want to send this package by first class mail.

B:Do you want it insured?

A:Yes, for fifty dollars, please. I'd also like some stamps-a book of twenty two and three airmail's.

B:You'll have to get those at the stamp window over there, next to general delivery.

A:Can I get money orders there, too?

B:No, that's to the left, three windows down the hall.

stamp 网络解释

1. 邮票:直到1984年,在德国汉堡召开的第十九届万国邮政联盟大会上,自动化邮票被正式确认为邮票(Stamp). 按照万国邮政联盟的有关规定,自动化邮票上不标注日期和地点,使用不受日期、地点的限制,投递贴有自动化邮票的邮件时必须用邮政日戳盖销.

2. 图章:签证是由美国大使馆(Embassy)或领事馆(Consulate)加盖在护照上的一个图章(Stamp),签证是外籍人士在一定的时间内(有效期内,即签证上标注的时间内)以一定的签证身份入境美国,持有人可在签证有效期之内一次、两次或多次入境.

3. stamp什么意思

3. 戳记:.图案填充(Hatching)的概念 100.专刊--打印戳记(Stamp)的使用方法 241第十七章 绘制实体(Solid)对象 242.创建旋转(REVOLVE)实体 249.利用基本对象进行实体的布尔(BOOLEAN)运算 250.专刊--表示网格(Mesh)与实体(Solid)的密度

stamp 词典解释

1. 邮票
    A stamp or a postage stamp is a small piece of paper which you lick and stick on an envelope or package before you post it to pay for the cost of the postage.

    e.g. ...a book of stamps...
    e.g. It's FREEPOST, so there's no need for a stamp.

2. 印章;图章;印记;戳记
    A stamp is a small block of wood or metal which has a pattern or a group of letters on one side. You press it onto an pad of ink and then onto a piece of paper in order to produce a mark on the paper. The mark that you produce is also called a stamp .

    e.g. ...a date stamp and an ink pad...
    e.g. You may live only where the stamp in your passport says you may.

3. 盖(章);打(戳记)
    If you stamp a mark or word on an object, you press the mark or word onto the object using a stamp or other device.

    e.g. Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles...
    e.g. In a department store when a gift voucher is exchanged it's stamped with the details of the store to cancel it...

4. (因生气、双脚发冷等)跺(脚)
    If you stamp or stamp your foot, you lift your foot and put it down very hard on the ground, for example because you are angry or because your feet are cold.

    e.g. Often he teased me till my temper went and I stamped and screamed, feeling furiously helpless...
    e.g. His foot stamped down on the accelerator...

5. (因生气)跺着脚走,噔噔地走
    If you stamp somewhere, you walk there putting your feet down very hard on the ground because you are angry.

    e.g. 'I'm going before things get any worse!' he shouted as he stamped out of the bedroom...
    e.g. Overweight and sweating in the humid weather, she stamped from room to room.

6. 用力踩;使劲踏
    If you stamp on something, you put your foot down on it very hard.

    e.g. He received the original ban last week after stamping on the referee's foot during the supercup final.

7. 特征;痕迹;烙印
    If something bears the stamp of a particular quality or person, it clearly has that quality or was done by that person.

    e.g. ...lawns and flowerbeds that bore the stamp of years of confident care...
    e.g. Most of us want to make our home a familiar place and put the stamp of our personality on its walls.

8. 表明;显示出
    A quality, feature, or action that stamps someone or something as a particular thing shows clearly that they are this thing.


    e.g. I talked to social workers and the police — that had stamped me as a bad woman...
    e.g. Chris Boardman stamped himself as the 4,000m favourite by setting the world's fastest outdoor time in Barcelona last night.
           克里斯·博德曼昨晚在巴塞罗那创下室外世界纪录,证明了自己是 4,000 米赛最有实力的竞争者。

9. see also: rubber stamp
    stamp of approval -> see approval

相关词组:stamp onstamp out

stamp 单语例句


1. The housing market in China is subject to several taxes, from land appreciation tax and arable land occupation tax to stamp tax and business tax.

2. His tale of a butterfly collector who kidnaps a woman in London was made into a film starring Terence Stamp two years later.

3. The government clamped down on market speculation in late October, with the extra stamp duty and buyer's stamp duty as extraordinary measures in extraordinary times.

4. The government has just extended the special stamp duty and introduced a buyer's stamp duty to cool the property market.

5. Meanwhile Belgium is issuing a special commemorative stamp to mark the centenary of its celebrated son.

6. Christopher Reeve may have been typecast during his career but the same fate certainly did not fall upon Terence Stamp.

7. But the unique international influences that characterize the region also lend its cuisine a distinctive stamp.

8. He also visited the stamp and coins market in Madian in northern Beijing, but still failed to get a gold coin.

9. She said the regulation seeks to better regulate the collection of income tax and stamp out tax evasion by foreign workers.

10. In addition, the Switzerland Pavilion has created a commemorative stamp for Expo visitors.


stamp 英英释义


1. a device incised to make an impression
    used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents

    Synonym: seal

2. a block or die used to imprint a mark or design

3. machine consisting of a heavy bar that moves vertically for pounding or crushing ores

    Synonym: pestle

4. a small adhesive token stuck on a letter or package to indicate that that postal fees have been paid

    Synonym: postagepostage stamp

5. a symbol that is the result of printing or engraving

    e.g. he put his stamp on the envelope

    Synonym: impression

6. a small piece of adhesive paper that is put on an object to show that a government tax has been paid

    Synonym: revenue stamp

7. a type or class

    e.g. more men of his stamp are needed

8. something that can be used as an official medium of payment

    Synonym: tenderlegal tender

9. the distinctive form in which a thing is made

    e.g. pottery of this cast was found throughout the region

    Synonym: castmoldmould



1. destroy or extinguish as if by stamping with the foot

    e.g. Stamp fascism into submission
           stamp out tyranny

2. treat or classify according to a mental stereotype

    e.g. I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European

    Synonym: pigeonholestereotype

3. to mark, or produce an imprint in or on something

    e.g. a man whose name is permanently stamped on our maps

4. affix a stamp to

    e.g. Are the letters properly stamped?

5. raise in a relief

    e.g. embossed stationery

    Synonym: embossboss

6. crush or grind with a heavy instrument

    e.g. stamp fruit extract the juice

7. form or cut out with a mold, form, or die

    e.g. stamp needles

8. walk heavily

    e.g. The men stomped through the snow in their heavy boots

    Synonym: stompstump

9. reveal clearly as having a certain character

    e.g. His playing stamps him as a Romantic

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