
metallic是什么意思 metallic在线翻译 metallic什么意思 metallic的意思 metallic的翻译 metallic的解释 metallic的发音 metallic的同义词

metallic [məˈtælɪk]  [məˈtælɪk] 

metallic 基本解释

形容词金属的; 金属性的; 金属制的; 含金属的

metallic 反义词


metallic 网络解释

1. metallic的解释

1. 金属:其实听NightWish的歌已经很多年了,只是不知道是他们的歌,我是在下金属(Metallic)的时候下了一个叫Wish I Had An Angel的MP3. 我一直以为是德国乐队的歌. 看了演唱会才知道是NightWish的.

2. metallic的反义词

2. 的 金属:且瓶颈部份的酒液回温较快些). Sparkling气泡酒最佳的适饮温度约在摄氏4-8度之间. 在这个范围下的Sparkling可减缓二氧化碳释放,增加细致柔顺、绵密清脆的气泡. 但有时当温度太低时,会造成Sparkling有着不悦的金属(metallic) 口感.

3. 金属的:metal vapor laser 金属蒸汽激光器 | metallic 金属的 | metallic binding 金属键

metallic 词典解释

1. 金属撞击般的;叮当声的
    A metallic sound is like the sound of one piece of metal hitting another.

    e.g. There was a metallic click and the gates swung open...
    e.g. It gave a metallic clang, like a cracked bell.

2. 尖厉刺耳的;难听的
    A metallic voice has a harsh unpleasant sound.


    e.g. ...that creaking metallic voice of hers.

3. (涂料、颜色)有金属光泽的,金属般闪亮的
    Metallic paint or colours shine like metal.

    e.g. He had painted all the wood with metallic silver paint...
    e.g. Metallic finishes are seen as upmarket.

4. 金属味的
    Something that tastes metallic has a bitter unpleasant taste.

    e.g. There was a metallic taste at the back of his throat.

5. 含金属的;金属制的
    Metallic means consisting entirely or partly of metal.

    e.g. Even the smallest metallic object, whether a nail file or cigarette lighter, is immediately confiscated...
    e.g. Place the salmon in a nonstick metallic dish.

metallic 单语例句

1. Shiseido has come out with exotic green and deep violet, while Christian Dior offers a lush green and metallic blue in its collection.

2. The thermoelectric generator works when one side of its metallic material is heated, and excited electrons move to the cold side.

3. Colloidal silver is a suspension of tiny metallic silver particles in a colloidal base.

4. She wore a metallic warmup coat and a sleeveless dress with a wide corset that glistened in the Florida sun.

5. Gucci's Frida Giannini broke with the overall mood to mix athletics and aesthetics, with cinched and laced outfits with rubber or metallic clasps.

6. Military planes saw metallic objects and plane seats 650 km north of the islands of Fernando de Noronha off Brazil's northern coast.

7. Decor is gorgeous and bold, with hardwood and dark stone complemented by touches of fresh flowers and metallic accents.

8. The building adopts a sleek and realistic glass and metallic shell so visitors can enjoy the building's changing appearance depending on the weather and light.

9. Metallic finishes are also talk of the town, with silver and discreet mineral hues coming to the fore.

10. India suffers from a serious shortage of uranium because powerful, hostile lobbies prevent the mining of this essential metallic element.

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