
interface是什么意思 interface在线翻译 interface什么意思 interface的意思 interface的翻译 interface的解释 interface的发音 interface的同义词

interface [ˈɪntəfeɪs]  [ˈɪntərfeɪs] 


interface 基本解释

名词界面; <计>接口; 交界面

动词(使通过界面或接口)接合,连接; [计算机]使联系

不及物动词相互作用(或影响); 交流,交谈

interface 网络解释

1. interface的解释

1. 接口:活动目录服务接口(ADSI)相关对象 -- 功能涉及范围很广,主要用于Windows域管理. 先看看MSDN里是怎么描述WMI的--Windows 管理规范 (WMI) 是可伸缩的系统管理结构,它采用一个统一的、基于标准的、可扩展的面向对象接口. 我在刚开始理解WMI的时候,总以为WMI是"Windows管理接口"(Interface),呵呵.

2. 接口;界面:TFT-LCD控制IC主要包括视频接口界面(Interface),模拟数字转换器和石英晶振锁相环(ADC/PLL),幅度控制器(Scaler),微控单元(MCU),在屏显示(OSD),如果是LCD-TV要加一个视频解码.

3. 介面 接口:由於HL7带来的分层思想的标准,让我们得以专心的思想介面接口(Interface)的设计,达到了弹性以及隔离的效果,Bug很容易就可以区分出来是那里造成的,权责是那一方面的都可以找出来加以解决.

4. interface

4. interface:i/f; 接口

interface 词典解释

1. (学科或系统间相互影响或衔接的)边缘区域,接合部位
    The interface between two subjects or systems is the area in which they affect each other or have links with each other.

    e.g. ...a witty exploration of that interface between bureaucracy and the working world.

2. (软件的用户)界面
    If you refer to the user interface of a particular piece of computing software, you are talking about its presentation on screen and how easy it is to operate.

    e.g. ...the development of better user interfaces.

3. (计算机或电子设备的)接口
    In computing and electronics, an interface is an electrical cricuit which links one machine, especially a computer, with another.


4. (使)(与…)相互联系(或连接)
    If one thing interfaces with another, or if two things interface, they have connections with each other. If you interface one thing with another, you connect the two things.

    e.g. ...the way we interface with the environment...
    e.g. The different components all have to interface smoothly...

interface 单语例句

1. He spent about 250 yuan buying a wireless router and a network interface card to have wireless access at home.

2. JERUSALEM - Israel's kosher cellular phone market has a new model, a device with a Yiddish interface to help devout Jews combine tradition with modern technology.

3. It will also establish its own center in Vietnam to localize the interface of the operating system and release products for its home market.

4. It focuses on matching workers'smarts with existing workplace systems, and boosts collaboration outside the office through smooth and easy interface procedures.

5. The interface is a communication protocol and works to link navigation satellite signals to the terminals.

6. Historically mobile operators have enjoyed a prime position in the telecoms value chain, as the controller of both the user interface and customer relationship.

7. Online game interface shows the information of World of Warcraft - The Burning Crusade.

8. It's advisable that you use HDMI over analog because HDMI is a digital interface, and therefore provides the best quality.

9. Choose a mouse with a flatter curve and wider interface to help soften the shock to your fingers from clicking the buttons.

10. Users can pin applications, shortcuts and anything they like to customize the interface.

interface 英英释义


1. (chemistry) a surface forming a common boundary between two things (two objects or liquids or chemical phases)

2. (computer science) computer circuit consisting of the hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other peripherals)

    Synonym: port

3. the overlap where two theories or phenomena affect each other or have links with each other

    e.g. the interface between chemistry and biology

4. (computer science) a program that controls a display for the user (usually on a computer monitor) and that allows the user to interact with the system

    Synonym: user interface

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