
sad是什么意思 sad在线翻译 sad什么意思 sad的意思 sad的翻译 sad的解释 sad的发音 sad的同义词 sad的反义词 sad的例句 sad的相关词组

sad [sæd]  [sæd] 


sad 基本解释

形容词悲哀的; 可悲的; 糟糕的; 令人遗憾的

sad 同义词


sad 反义词

sad 相关例句


1. She is still very sad over the death of her aunt.

2. sad的近义词

2. The wallpaper in the house is in a sad state.

3. sad的近义词

3. She's sad because her son is ill.

sad 情景对话


A:You look sad today.

B:My girlfriend just dumped me.

sad 网络解释

1. sad

1. 悲哀:眼角下垂的人,三角眼:有的人天生就眼角下垂,看起来很悲哀 ( sad ) 的样子,眼角向上拉提后立刻显得精神奕奕,眉开眼笑,连周围的人也感受到这幸福的滋味呢!

2. 高级美术指导:有经验的文案及美术指导将会晋升为高级文案(SCW)及高级美术指导(SAD),但工作与以前大同小异. 创意总监下会有不同的小组,每小组由一位文案(CW)及一位美术指导(AD)组成. 基本上两人会共同构思广告. 由于美术指导的执行工作一般都较繁复,

3. sad

3. 伤心:⑤以一个辅音字母结尾其前面的元音字母发短元音的形容词的比较级和最高级是双写该辅音字母然后再加 -er和-est. 记忆口诀:一个小孩上面胖(fat),下面瘦(thin),他很伤心(sad),他吃着一个又大(big)又红(red)的苹果,他很热(hot).

4. sad

4. sad:selective area diffraction; 选区电子衍射

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. sad:seasonal mood disorder; 季节性情感障碍

6. sad:sulphuric acid dregs; 硫酸渣

7. sad:sensor applications design; 传感器应用设计

sad 词典解释

1. 悲哀的;悲伤的;伤心的
    If you are sad, you feel unhappy, usually because something has happened that you do not like.

    e.g. The relationship had been important to me and its loss left me feeling sad and empty...
    e.g. I'm sad that Julie's marriage is on the verge of splitting up...

...a gallant man who will be sadly missed by all his comrades...
Judy said sadly, 'He has abandoned me.'
It is with a mixture of sadness and joy that I say farewell.

2. (故事、消息)凄惨的,可悲的,令人难过的
    Sad stories and sad news make you feel sad.

    e.g. ...a desperately humorous, impossibly sad novel...
    e.g. I received the sad news that he had been killed in a motorcycle accident.

3. (事件、境况)不幸的,令人遗憾的
    A sad event or situation is unfortunate or undesirable.

    e.g. It's a sad truth that children are the biggest victims of passive smoking.

Sadly, bamboo plants die after flowering...
Things are sadly different in Britain.

4. 可悲的;荒唐的
    If you describe someone as sad, you do not have any respect for them and think their behaviour or ideas are ridiculous.

    e.g. ...sad old bikers and youngsters who think that Jim Morrison is God.

5. 可惜的是;很遗憾
    You can use the expression sad to say when you are describing an situation which you find unfortunate.

    e.g. How does a suffering alcoholic get into one of these hospitals? Sad to say, there are not very many of them around...
    e.g. He died five or six years ago I'm sad to say.

sad 单语例句

1. In the flickering candlelight, a faintly sad atmosphere is flowing in the air.

2. That night I wrote a short sad poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the Capri's Weekly newspaper.

3. A sad day, the loss of a good man's life.

4. The value of charting the sad course of history is to make people think.

5. Crew members from all over the world were sad to leave the city.

6. For a continent that is the cradle of civilization, it is sad that only meanings invented elsewhere get affixed to words.

7. It's sad it has come to an end but Avril and I are still family and moving forward in the most positive way possible.

8. It is a little sad that xiangsheng is the only comedic performance indigenous to Chinese.

9. The charmingly naive panda in Wang's comic strips appears in everyday settings, sharing her happy and sad moments with the readers.

10. They remind us of the sad fact that the country's increasing prosperity is not making people more civilized or compassionate.

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